Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Ottoman Cash Waqfs An Alternative Financial System

Ottoman Cash Waqfs: An Alternative Financial System


The institutions of “waqfs,” that is foundations, stand before us as an intermediate option between collectivist and individualistic societies....

Toward a Privileged Partnership The EU Turkey and the Upgrade

Toward a “Privileged Partnership”: The EU, Turkey and the Upgrade of the Customs Union


Over the past few years, Turkey’s EU membership prospects have further deteriorated amid intensive political crisis between Brussels and Ankara....

Turkey-EU Customs Union Its Modernization and Potential for Turkey-EU Relations

Turkey-EU Customs Union: Its Modernization and Potential for Turkey-EU Relations


The customs union is still one of the most concrete outcomes of Turkey’s gradual integration to the EU. However, due to changes in world trade, EU...

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