Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs


Ali Ayata

Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University, Türkiye
Ali Ayata
Turkish and Hungarian Turanism against Russia in the Post-Cold War Era: Nostalgia Revisits Central Asia
December 30, 2023
This review article is based on three books: Starting with Von Eschen a professor of history at the University of Virginia in Virginia U.S. who has already published extensively on U.S. diplomacy, culture, and decolonization. Her book, Paradoxes of Nostalgia: Cold War Triumphalism and Global Disorder since 1989, could be considered as the summary of her typical interest field. In this book, Von Eschen displayed a strong critical stance towards Fukuyama’s “The End of History” thesis. According to Von Eschen, the early celebrations of the U.S.’ so-called victory with the end of the Cold War pushed U.S. foreign policy to take a ‘blind’ stance towards new trends in the international system.

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