Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Rethinking Peacebuilding in Afghanistan A Post-Structuralist Approach

Rethinking Peacebuilding in Afghanistan: A Post-Structuralist Approach


This paper examines the “liberal peace” paradigm and its associated peacebuilding methodological approach, identifying significant roadblocks...

Negotiating Survival Civilian-Insurgent Relations in Afghanistan

Negotiating Survival: Civilian-Insurgent Relations in Afghanistan

Book Reviews

Despite this analytical weakness, Negotiating Survival offers readers a brilliant glimpse into the realities on the ground and the considerations...

Editor's Note Fall 2021

Editor's Note | Fall 2021

Editor's Note

With one more year coming to an end, we are pleased to present to our readers yet another insightful issue of Insight Turkey that has attempted to...

State of Emergency Travels in a Troubled World

State of Emergency: Travels in a Troubled World

Book Reviews

The prologue of Navid Kermani’s travelogue describes an eclectic teahouse in Cairo, and what follows is, indeed, an eclectic collection of writings...

The Taliban Reader War Islam and Politics

The Taliban Reader: War, Islam and Politics

Book Reviews

The Taliban Reader represents a collection of diversified primary sources associated with the Taliban movement that renders a comprehensive frame...

Amerikan Grand Stratejisi Obama nın Ortadoğu Mirası American Grand Strategy

Amerikan Grand Stratejisi: Obama’nın Ortadoğu Mirası [American Grand Strategy: Obama’s Middle East Legacy]

Book Reviews

Although many actors, from regional powers to global powers, engage in grand strategy practices, the concept of ‘grand strategy’ is most closely...

We Kill Because We Can From Soldiering to Assassination in

We Kill Because We Can: From Soldiering to Assassination in the Drone Age

Book Reviews

Drone usage has been a hotbed of discussion in International Relations and Military Studies for the last decade. Drone warfare itself has been...

Great Delusion Liberal Dreams and International Realities

Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities

Book Reviews

A profound understanding of American foreign policy depends upon a thorough and a rigorous theoretical understanding of the ideology that...

The U S War on Terror Discourse Mapping De-politicization and

The U.S. War on Terror Discourse: Mapping De-politicization and the Politics of Confinement in Afghanistan


This article argues that today, 17 years after the September 11, 2001 attacks, it is even more important to look at the beginnings of, and to...

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