Religion remains an influential force in our time despite the prophesy of secularization theory which argued that religion will fade away. In the...
This article examines complex relations between the state and churches as well as religious communities as defined in the Constitution of Poland...
President Barack Obama won the 2008 US presidential race with promises to restore America’s lost image and status in the world, to lead the world...
This article aims to elaborate on Turkey’s stance towards the main developments in the South Caucasus after the rise of the AK Party in 2002. The...
This article argues that Turkey is going through a paradigm transition regarding its migration characteristics and has changed from an emigration...
Turkey in the recent years has become a destination for individuals from various regions, migration histories and experiences, with an explicit...
As a country in transition from emigration to immigration, Turkey hosts many diverse migrant groups, creating a very dynamic research field to...
In conversation with recent work on transnational social fields, this article explores how Germany and Turkey are linked through a “set of...
Many Afghans, often male, in Pakistan are migrating (again) and increasingly toward ‘new’ destinations such as Turkey. Transnational lives are not...
This article discusses Turkey’s increasing role as a country of immigration by using the case study of Iranian migration to Turkey. While Turkey...
This paper discusses EU-Turkey relations with a specific reference to regional developments in the Middle East after the Arab Spring. In the last...
This article aims to explain the evolution of Turkish foreign policy through the search for a foreign policy role concept. It will argue that the...
The main orientation of Turkish foreign policy has recently been described as Europeanization, Middle Easternization, or Islamization. This article...
Change is a central concept in Turkish and global politics. It forms the basis of liberal ideology, alongside freedom, democracy, and equality. In...
The EU has been successfully exercising its conditionality as a key aspect of its enlargement strategy since the 1990s. However, with no accession...
The current peace process regarding Turkey’s Kurdish question could pave the way for the normalization of politics and democratization in Turkey if...
This paper provides an analysis of the most recent changes in Russian foreign policy that became a matter of global concern in the aftermath of the...
This paper presents the Foreign Policy Circumplex (FPC) coding framework and the (FPC-TR) to identify aspects of Turkish foreign policy behavior...
Like all long political years, the year 2014 did not begin on January 1st; rather, 2014 politically began at the end of May with the Taksim events....
The March 2014 local elections in Turkey did not drastically alter electoral balances in Turkey. The AK Party maintained its predominant position,...
The context of and the meaning conferred upon the local elections led it to be fought in a referandum-like atmosphere. Prior to the March 30 local...
Ahead of the 2014 local elections, the main opposition, the Republican People’s Party (CHP), developed an aggressive outreach campaign to add new...
The civil war in Syria continues to devastate social and political structures, precipitating floods of refugees and surging populations of...
Over the past months, the crisis in Crimea presented the world with a case study on how rapidly national borders may shift in the 21st century. The...
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