Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

TİKA s Soft Power Nation Branding in Turkish Foreign Policy

TİKA’s Soft Power: Nation Branding in Turkish Foreign Policy

Over the past fifteen years, nation branding has become a popular subject of study, and a formative enterprise in the creation of national...

Strategic Culture of the OSCE and Its Reflection in the

Strategic Culture of the OSCE and Its Reflection in the Effort to De-escalate and Resolve the Conflict in Ukraine

The OSCE has until now been the only security organization which directly participated in the effort to de-escalate the war in Eastern Ukraine. As...

Four Migration Stories Four Turkish Migrants Four Sui Generis Portraits

Four Migration Stories: Four Turkish Migrants, Four Sui Generis Portraits in Germany

This study attempts to analyze the peculiarity of the migration stories of the Muslims in Germany who have emigrated from Turkey. Each of the four...

The U S War on Terror Discourse Mapping De-politicization and

The U.S. War on Terror Discourse: Mapping De-politicization and the Politics of Confinement in Afghanistan

This article argues that today, 17 years after the September 11, 2001 attacks, it is even more important to look at the beginnings of, and to...

Toward a Privileged Partnership The EU Turkey and the Upgrade

Toward a “Privileged Partnership”: The EU, Turkey and the Upgrade of the Customs Union

Over the past few years, Turkey’s EU membership prospects have further deteriorated amid intensive political crisis between Brussels and Ankara....

How Do Muslims Respond to Far Right Political Mobilization in

How Do Muslims Respond to Far Right Political Mobilization in Their European State?

This paper evaluates qualitative and quantitative evidence of Muslims’ European identification in France, Austria and the Netherlands while the far...

Re-narrating Europe in the Face of Populism An Analysis of

Re-narrating Europe in the Face of Populism: An Analysis of the Anti-immigration Discourse of Populist Party Leaders

Populist discourse is gaining more and more ground in Europe. As evidenced by the growing success of radical right wing parties, a ubiquitous right...

The Secular Foreign Fighters of the West in Syria

The Secular Foreign Fighters of the West in Syria

The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) operates under the names of the Democratic Union Party and the People’s Protection Units in Syria. The PKK is...

Engineering a European Islam An Analysis of Attempts to Domesticate

Engineering a European Islam: An Analysis of Attempts to Domesticate European Muslims in Austria, France, and Germany

Today, a number of European states’ policies on religion aim at creating a nationalized Islam. In many Western European countries, the Ministries...

Missile Defense in Europe Against Whom

Missile Defense in Europe: Against Whom?

ABSTRACT This article debates the evolution, main purpose and real target of the missile defense system of NATO, entitled the EPAA, focusing on...

The European Union Dilemma of the Kurds High Support for

The European Union Dilemma of the Kurds: High Support for Membership despite Lack of Sufficient Trust

How people in member and candidate states are oriented toward the European Union –meaning, how well they know and how they evaluate the EU– is...

Imposing Particular Identities The Balkans as a Meeting Place of

Imposing Particular Identities: The Balkans as a Meeting Place of Ethnicities and Religions

Since Balkan ethnicities are primarily organized along locally-practiced religious lines, regional monotheistic religions are seen as the source of...

Military Bases in the Foreign Policy of the United Arab

Military Bases in the Foreign Policy of the United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates is one of the leading countries in the Middle East in terms of active foreign policy. One of the most striking instruments...

The Saudi Intervention in Yemen Struggling for Status

The Saudi Intervention in Yemen: Struggling for Status

On March 26, 2015, Saudi Arabia launched airstrikes on Yemen with the aim of restoring the rule of President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi and destroying...

Quo Vadis Turkey-GCC States Relations A Turkish Perspective

Quo Vadis Turkey-GCC States Relations? A Turkish Perspective

With the growing need for more cooperative relations in the face of Iran’s assertive foreign policy following Saddam’s fall, Turkey’s importance as...

Traditional Rivalry or Regional Design in the Middle East

Traditional Rivalry or Regional Design in the Middle East?

The repercussions of the Arab Spring and new polarization between Iran, Israel and the Gulf States means the Middle East faces multiple rivalries...

American Foreign Policy toward the Arab-Israeli Conflict Strategic Transformations

American Foreign Policy toward the Arab-Israeli Conflict: Strategic Transformations

The shifts in U.S. foreign policy toward the Palestinian cause reveal the fact that this policy varies from one period to another, and from one...

Domestic Determinants of the U S -Iran Rivalry

Domestic Determinants of the U.S.-Iran Rivalry

Recent studies of diversionary theory focus on domestic determinants of conflict between interstate rivals as well as the strategic behavior of...

Iran s Nuclear Agreement The Three Specific Clusters of Concerns

Iran’s Nuclear Agreement: The Three Specific Clusters of Concerns

When Iran’s nuclear agreement was signed, critics raised questions about the terms of the agreement, its duration and especially about whether the...

Diffusion in the Arab World Turkey and Iran as Models

Diffusion in the Arab World: Turkey and Iran as Models of Emulation on the Eve of the ‘Arab Spring’

The literature about factors that promote growth and change presents models of diffusion that are based on societies’ attempts to learn from the...

An Illustration of Sino-Turkish Relations The Cyprus Question

An Illustration of Sino-Turkish Relations: The Cyprus Question

This article analyzes China’s foreign policy within the framework of debates on the rise of China in the international relations literature by...

History and Victimhood Engaging with Rohingya Issues

History and Victimhood: Engaging with Rohingya Issues

Since the late 1990s, the public representation of the Muslim minority of Rakhine State (Myanmar), widely known as Rohingyas after the 2012...

Is Pakistan a Failed State An Assessment of Islamist Ideals

Is Pakistan a Failed State? An Assessment of Islamist Ideals, Nationalist Articulation and Ground Realities

Like most Muslim nation-states, Islamic ideals inspired Indian Muslims during their struggle against colonialism and potential prejudiced Hindu...

OSCE Minsk Group Proposals and Failure the View from Azerbaijan

OSCE Minsk Group: Proposals and Failure, the View from Azerbaijan

The OSCE Minsk Group was created by the Conference on Security and Cooperation for finding a political and peaceful resolution to the...

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