Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs


Cassidy Renee Yip

San Francisco State University, U.S.
Cassidy Renee Yip
Managing the Refugee Crisis in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic
November 27, 2020
This essay seeks to demonstrate that there are both ethical and practical considerations for enabling refugees to manage the coronavirus disease (COVID-19 pandemic). Given that a majority of refugees live in highly congested environments, particularly urban areas, an outbreak would swiftly spread through their local communities. Our argument is twofold: (i) That a new approach is needed to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic –one that recognizes mounting challenges facing refugees and relies on international cooperation rather than the myopic rhetoric and sentiments of xenophobic right-wing politicians; (ii) That helping refugees to curb the spread of the current coronavirus cannot be divorced from social contexts, hence the necessity of improving employment, basic health services, and educational opportunities for refugees.

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