Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs


Birkan Ertoy

Ankara Social Sciences University
Birkan Ertoy
Arab Political Thought: Past and Present
March 10, 2021
Arab Political Thought: Past and Present is an attempt to distinguish between Arab and Islamic political thoughts to advocate the idea that Arab political thought is more than what the literature generally presents.
The Theory of War and Peace: The Geophilosophy of Europe
July 6, 2020
A professor in the Department of Philosophy, Oleg Bazaluk focuses on war and peace in his book and attempts to develop a philosophical theory of these concepts. Bazaluk’s aim is to develop a “scientific theory of war and peace” based on well-known discussions in international relations (IR) and to determine “the rhizome” of these concepts.

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