Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs


Cem Yücetürk

Amasya University
Cem Yücetürk
Digital Media and Refugeehood in Contemporary Australia
October 15, 2024
The book, Digital Media and Refugeehood in Contemporary Australia, by Arianna Grasso, examines how refugees in Australia use digi tal media to resist the Australian government’s mandatory detention policies. The book consists of 6 chapters, each analyzing refugees’ use of digital media from different perspectives and methods. Grasso investigates the counter-discourse strategies and digital resistance of refugees from Kurdish-Iranian, Rohingya (Myanmar), Tamil (Sri Lanka), and Iraqi backgrounds who are detained offshore in Australia. She looks at the challenges these individuals face in using digital platforms to express themselves and make their voices heard. The book highlights various digital strategies employed by refugees and the social and political impacts of these strategies in each chapter. This book can be considered a significant step towards amplifying the voices of refugees and making their experiences visible.

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