Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs


Dilnaz Saipedinova

Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University
Dilnaz Saipedinova
Water Resources of Turkey
July 7, 2023
This publication is suitable for all members of the country’s water communities, including authorities, institutions, water users, academics, and other professionals. Water professionals, practitioners, managers, government agencies, and scientists at the international level can also benefit from the information provided, in terms of identifying common and different aspects of the world’s water resources. In particular, Türkiye’s unique geographical position linking Europe and Asia and the presence of significant transboundary river basins will be important factors in generating international interest in this compendium. It should be noted that, in Türkiye, no book has yet been published that would cover all aspects of water resources in the country, related problems, and water management issues as comprehensively.

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