Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs


Hasan Aydın

Shanghai University, China
Hasan Aydın
Questioning the West and Creating an Alternative: China’s and Türkiye’s Similar Approaches toward Africa
October 9, 2024
Several actors have turned their attention to Africa, and the continent is becoming a focal point for international relations. These actors have adopted various approaches to improve their relations with African countries. This study examines the alternative dimension of rising international competition on the continent. The main focus of the study is Türkiye’s and China’s alternative approaches to Africa. Accordingly, the study seeks to answer three interrelated questions: What are the differences between the traditional and alternative approaches? What are the main factors shaping China’s and Türkiye’s alternative approaches toward Africa? What are the similarities in Beijing’s and Ankara’s approaches regarding African countries in practice? As a result, this study argues that China and Türkiye present an alternative stance to the Western-centered approach for competition in Africa, despite some differences in their relations with continental countries.

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