There is a recent growing interest in Ottoman/Turkish music, fostering new research initiatives in the field based on different approaches, definitions, and interpretations. Güneş Ayas’s book, Mûsiki İnkılâbı’nın Sosyolojisi: Klasik Türk Müziği Geleneğinde Süreklilik ve Değişim [The Sociology of the Music Revolution: Continuity and Change in Classical Turkish Music’s Tradition], is an important and interesting contribution to the growing literature on Ottoman/Turkish music culture. The book, which is based on the Ph.D. Dissertation of the author, submitted to the Department of Sociology at İstanbul University in 2013, attentively pieces the historical events together and thus reconstructs a very critical period, from the late Ottoman Empire to the 1950s in Turkey, for Ottoman/Turkish music within a new perspective.