Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs


Sevinç Alkan Özcan

Prime Ministry of Republic of Turkey
Sevinç Alkan Özcan
The Role of Political Islam in Tunisia’s Democratization Process: Towards a New Pattern of Secularization?
January 1, 2018
As far as the discussions on the Muslim world have been concerned with the process of secularization, a major focus has been the question of whether Islam and democracy are compatible. The religious-oppositional-civil movements that have been revived since the 1980s, has prompted a reformulation of the question as follows: “are secularization/laicism and democracy compatible?” or, put differently, “are the enemies of democracy in the Middle East, not the Islamic parties, but the secular regimes” From this perspective, there has been a shift from the dominance of the French type of authoritarian, exclusivist and monopolistic laicism to a pluralistic understanding of secularization, influenced by the resurgence of political Islam in Tunisia after the Jasmine Revolution.

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