Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Sufism: A Theoretical Intervention in Global International Relations

Sufism: A Theoretical Intervention in Global International Relations is both a contribution to these issues/debates and an attempt to go beyond...

The False Promise of Liberal Order: Nostalgia, Delusion and the Rise of Trump

The False Promise of Liberal Order is an enjoyable read for those looking for realist’s work with simple and parsimonious language and structure,...

Japan’s Relations with Muslim Asia

The book is an attempt to add a new and fresh perspective to the existing literature. Its diverse, multi-language references will open many paths...

İki Darbe Arasında: Türkiye Suriye Politikası (1960-1980) [Between Two Coups: Turkey’s Syria Policy (1960-1980)]

With Between Two Coups, Salık fills a gap in the literature of Turkish-Syrian relations and offers a detailed account not only for diplomatic...

Turkey and Russia in Syria: Testing the Extremes

The book’s originality owes much to Yükselen’s examination of the changing character of the Syrian War and its impacts on the behaviors of both...

Road Warriors: Foreign Fighters in the Armies of Jihad

In Road Warriors, Daniel Byman explores an issue that has played a significant role in the destabilization of numerous countries for many years. In...

Do Morals Matter? Presidents and Foreign Policy from FDR to Trump

Nye discusses the challenges for a future, moral foreign policy and specifies two global power shifts that will shape the context of American...

Beyond the Steppe Frontier: A History of the Sino-Russian Border

Beyond the Steppe Frontier can be a guiding example of studying the borderland settlements (city/town/region) of ambitious states. It depicts how...

Spiritual Subjects: Central Asian Pilgrims and the Ottoman Hajj at the End of Empire

Although Spiritual Subjects is predominately a thoughtful monograph on the Hajj in West Asia, it should also be considered an interdisciplinary...

Exploring Emotions in Turkey-Iran Relations: Affective Politics of Partnership and Rivalry

Exploring Emotions in Turkey-Iran Relations provides valuable historical and theoretical insights into Turkish-Iranian affairs, focusing on...

Women as War Criminals: Gender, Agency, and Justice

This work initiates a debate of war criminals between men and women, through examples that were prosecuted for similar crimes, unlike the rest of...

Strategy and Strategic Discourse in Turkish Foreign Policy

The book provides a wealth of necessary theoretical and historical background for understanding the security strategies of Turkish foreign policy....

International Relations since 1945: East, West, North, South

In International Relations Since 1945: East, West, North, South, Lundestad traverses a vast historical timeline of International Relations (IR)...

Turkey, Kemalism and the Soviet Union: Problems of Modernization, Ideology and Interpretation

The work mainly focuses on the early period of the 1920s and the 1930s, which is essential for understanding Kemalism’s formation. The 1970s, which...

Rich Russians: From Oligarchs to Bourgeoisie

The book appeals to anyone interested to learn about the rapid evolution of this new social class in Russia. The readers that value this unique...

The Wall: The Making and Unmaking of the Turkish-Syrian Border

Ramazan Aras, in The Wall, provides an ethnographic and anthropological account of the border-making practices of the Turkish state along the...

Sovereignty RIP

In Sovereignty RIP, Don Herzog exquisitely traces the journey of ‘sovereignty,’ taking the readers centuries back. Apart from its academic merit,...

Arab Political Thought: Past and Present

Arab Political Thought: Past and Present is an attempt to distinguish between Arab and Islamic political thoughts to advocate the idea that Arab...

Eternal Dawn: Turkey in the Age of Atatürk

In Eternal Dawn: Turkey in the Age of Atatürk¸ Ryan Gingeras deals with the origins of modern Turkey and its founder, Atatürk. Studies of this...

Eastern Mediterranean and Turkey: Political, Judicial and Economic Perspectives

The major successes of the book are, first, that it analyzes the multidimensional nature of the conflict in an overview, covering all aspects of...

Conspiracy Theories and the People Who Believe In Them

This volume will be of interest to a broad range of readers who are interested in the phenomenon of conspiracy theories as well as how experts are...

Leading Protests in the Digital Age:Youth Activism in Egypt and Syria

This study seeks answers to how protests are managed in the digital age by comparing youth activism in Egypt and Syria.

Encyclopedia of Islamic Insurance, Takaful and Retakaful

From the beginning of the 20th century, studies on Islamic finance—as an alternative to interestbased capitalist finance—have been conducted,...

The End of Europe:Dictators, Demagogues, and the Coming Dark Age

The End of Europe provides the reader with a comprehensive summary of several crises Europe faces today from democratic backsliding to widespread...

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