Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Editor's Note Winter 2020

Editor's Note | Winter 2020

Editor's Notes

Through a wide range of commentaries and articles, this issue of Insight Turkey aims to bring to its readers a comprehensive framework on the...

The Hell of Good Intentions America s Foreign Policy Elite

The Hell of Good Intentions: America’s Foreign Policy Elite and the Decline of U.S. Primacy

Book Reviews

The Hell of Good Intentions: America’s Foreign Policy Elite and the Decline of U.S. Primacy offers readers a persuasive explanation that aims to...

The Lost Spring U S Policy in the Middle East

The Lost Spring: U.S. Policy in the Middle East and Catastrophes to Avoid

Book Reviews

The book under review is a work by American-Lebanese scholar Walid Phares, who specializes in Middle East politics. He has worked in different...

Amerikan Grand Stratejisi Obama nın Ortadoğu Mirası American Grand Strategy

Amerikan Grand Stratejisi: Obama’nın Ortadoğu Mirası [American Grand Strategy: Obama’s Middle East Legacy]

Book Reviews

Although many actors, from regional powers to global powers, engage in grand strategy practices, the concept of ‘grand strategy’ is most closely...

Cycles in US Foreign Policy Since the Cold War

Cycles in US Foreign Policy Since the Cold War

Book Reviews

Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the U.S. has confronted a very broad spectrum of problems. The return of great power rivalries with a rising...

Terrorism in Africa The Rise of Islamist Extremism and Jihadism

Terrorism in Africa: The Rise of Islamist Extremism and Jihadism


Africa is the springboard for al-Qaeda’s global terrorism in modern history. The U.S. Embassy bombings in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi,...

Guest Editor's Note Winter 2019

Guest Editor's Note | Winter 2019

Editor's Notes

Africa has often been the focus of contradictory attention that has oscillated between the labels of a physical obstacle to travel between Europe...

Understanding the Department of State

Understanding the Department of State

Book Reviews

At the very beginning of the book, Understanding the Department of State, it is clearly stated that Don Philpott, the former editor of...

The U S War on Terror Discourse Mapping De-politicization and

The U.S. War on Terror Discourse: Mapping De-politicization and the Politics of Confinement in Afghanistan


This article argues that today, 17 years after the September 11, 2001 attacks, it is even more important to look at the beginnings of, and to...

Missile Defense in Europe Against Whom

Missile Defense in Europe: Against Whom?


ABSTRACT This article debates the evolution, main purpose and real target of the missile defense system of NATO, entitled the EPAA, focusing on...

Domestic Determinants of the U S -Iran Rivalry

Domestic Determinants of the U.S.-Iran Rivalry


Recent studies of diversionary theory focus on domestic determinants of conflict between interstate rivals as well as the strategic behavior of...

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