Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Rising Violence against Muslims in India Under Modi and BJP

Rising Violence against Muslims in India Under Modi and BJP Rule


While communal violence has been an ongoing and unfortunate reality for post-colonial and post-partition India, there’s no sidestepping the fact...

Islamophobia Neoliberalism and the Muslim Other

Islamophobia, Neoliberalism, and the Muslim ‘Other’


Muslim communities have been racialized as ‘Other’ for over 1,400 years.1 The manner in which the figure of the Muslim has been invoked as a threat...

Contemporary Experiences of Islamophobia in Today s United Kingdom Findings

Contemporary Experiences of Islamophobia in Today’s United Kingdom: Findings from Ten Small-Scale Studies


In today’s the United Kingdom, Islamophobia is as contested as it is real. Challenging this contestation, this article presents findings from ten...

For a New Alterity of Islam in European Perspective

For a New Alterity of Islam in European Perspective


The depiction of Islam and Muslims in Europe has, in general, been dominated by an ‘Othering’ in which they are considered inherently different,...

The Post-September 11 Rise of Islamophobia Identity and the Clash

The Post-September 11 Rise of Islamophobia: Identity and the ‘Clash of Civilizations’ in Europe and Latin America


Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Islamophobia exploded across ‘the West,’ but particularly in Europe. While Muslims were...

Modernist Reformers in Islam Hinduism and Confucianism 1865-1935 Peripheral Geoculture

Modernist Reformers in Islam, Hinduism and Confucianism, 1865-1935: Peripheral Geoculture in the Modern World-System

Book Reviews

The history of religious reform movements across the world represent the specific socio-political requirements of different time and space....

Hagia Sophia Symbol of Peace and Diversity

Hagia Sophia: Symbol of Peace and Diversity


On July 10, 2020, the Council of State revoked a 1934 Cabinet decree that had turned Hagia Sophia into a museum, thereby paving the way to...

Christianity and American State Violence in Iraq Priestly or Prophetic

Christianity and American State Violence in Iraq: Priestly or Prophetic?

Book Reviews

Christianity and American State Violence in Iraq: Priestly or Prophetic? attempts to rethink the relationship of religion and violence by taking...

Cyprus and the Roadmap for Peace A Critical Interrogation of

Cyprus and the Roadmap for Peace: A Critical Interrogation of the Conflict

Book Reviews

Michális S. Michael and Yücel Vural’s edited volume of Cyprus and the Roadmap for Peace: A Critical Interrogation of the Conflict has its roots in...

Preventive Detention in Counter-insurgencies The Case of Kashmir

Preventive Detention in Counter-insurgencies: The Case of Kashmir


This paper offers an analysis of preventive detention in the context of the disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir. It primarily explores the...

Strategic Failure How President Obama s Drone Warfare Defense Cuts

Strategic Failure: How President Obama’s Drone Warfare, Defense Cuts, and Military Amateurism Have Imperiled America

Book Reviews

Grand strategy is a blueprint that sets the path to foreign policy; more specifically, it reveals which foreign policy decisions should be taken...

Journey into Europe Islam Immigration and Identity

Journey into Europe: Islam, Immigration, and Identity

Book Reviews

Journey into Europe: Islam, Immigration, and Identity is the last installment of a four-volume series written by Prof. Akbar Ahmed. The text is...

The Role of Croatia in Bosnia and Herzegovina Antemurale Christianitatis

The Role of Croatia in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Antemurale Christianitatis as a Policy of Choice


The commentary deals with the history of Croatian interference in BiH in the context of the place that BiH and its Muslims hold in the development...

Re-narrating Europe in the Face of Populism An Analysis of

Re-narrating Europe in the Face of Populism: An Analysis of the Anti-immigration Discourse of Populist Party Leaders


Populist discourse is gaining more and more ground in Europe. As evidenced by the growing success of radical right wing parties, a ubiquitous right...

Engineering a European Islam An Analysis of Attempts to Domesticate

Engineering a European Islam: An Analysis of Attempts to Domesticate European Muslims in Austria, France, and Germany


Today, a number of European states’ policies on religion aim at creating a nationalized Islam. In many Western European countries, the Ministries...

Turkish Perceptions of the West


This article, based on a book published by SETA, looks at the attitudes of Turkish people towards what is conceived as the West and Western...

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