Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Gezi Park Revolts For or Against Democracy

Gezi Park Revolts: For or Against Democracy?

The anti-government protests in Turkey emerged as a legitimate and even necessary reaction against police brutality to evolved into violent revolts...

Political Culture and National Identity in Conceptualising the Gezi Park

Political Culture and National Identity in Conceptualising the Gezi Park Movement

This essay interprets the Gezi Park protests that began as a local resistance to government plans to level a public park but quickly escalated into...

Ergenekon An Illegitimate Form of Government

Ergenekon: An Illegitimate Form of Government

On August 5th, 2013, an Istanbul court reached its verdict in the Ergenekon coup plot trial, handing down various prison sentences to 247...

Democratization and Relations with the EU in the AK Party

Democratization and Relations with the EU in the AK Party Period: Is Turkey Really Making Progress?

This brief commentary assesses the progress made by Turkey under the Justice and Development Party (the AK Party) toward European Union (EU)...

A New Challenge for Turkey Civil War in Syria

A New Challenge for Turkey: Civil War in Syria

The Arab Spring gave rise to a variety of transitions in the Middle East. Although initial developments in Tunisia and Egypt created optimism,...

Military Political Islam and the Future of Democracy in Egypt

Military, Political Islam, and the Future of Democracy in Egypt

Egypt’s democratization efforts require domestic and international considerations: Domestically, the country must focus on the economy at the...

Insights for Egypt s and Tunisia s Islamists from Turkish

Insights for Egypt’s and Tunisia’s Islamists from Turkish Experience of Democratic Transition

Turkey is achieved a viable combination of Islam, democracy and development. After prolonged periods of political instability and interruptions in...

Gezi Anatomy of a Public Square Movement

Gezi – Anatomy of a Public Square Movement

The Occupy Gezi movement has been a staging ground for the creativity of micro-practices, and it embodies the importance of the politics of...

The Political Reverberations of the Gezi Protests

The Political Reverberations of the Gezi Protests

Although a lot has been said about the Gezi protests, analyses of the events consistently failed on two particular issues. First, in their efforts...

The Gezi Park Protests in Turkey A Qualitative Field Research

The Gezi Park Protests in Turkey: A Qualitative Field Research

Civil protests began on May 27, 2013, in opposition to modernization works planned for Gezi Park near Taksim Square, Istanbul. The events that...

The Clash of Nations in Turkey Reflections on the Gezi

The Clash of ‘Nations’ in Turkey: Reflections on the Gezi Park Incident

This article argues that the devastating mass demonstrations triggered by a humble environmentalist protest in the Gezi Park of İstanbul cannot be...

Gezi Park Negotiating a New Left Identity

Gezi Park: Negotiating a New Left Identity

Unknown to most of the world only a month ago, Gezi Park –the epicenter of Turkey’s June 2013 protests- has rapidly emerged as a historic site for...

Rowhani s Election Promise of Change or More of the

Rowhani’s Election: Promise of Change or More of the Same?

Rowhani’s victory in Iran’s 2013 presidential election is a clear protest vote against his predecessor’s management of the country’s relations with...

Turkey s Kurdish Question and the Peace Process

Turkey’s Kurdish Question and the Peace Process

Turkey currently is witnessing a series of events that are most likely to go down in history as truly important milestones. The country is...

New Peace Talks in Turkey Opportunities and Challenges in Conflict

New Peace Talks in Turkey: Opportunities and Challenges in Conflict Resolution

The restart of peace talks between the Government and the PKK has brought renewed optimism about the possibility to settle a nearly three-decade...

Turgut Özal Twenty Years After The Man and the Politician

Turgut Özal Twenty Years After: The Man and the Politician

Whether Turgut Özal was a good politician remains up for debate. However, there is no question that he indeed was (and is) a significant historical...

Remembering Turgut Özal Some Personal Recollections

Remembering Turgut Özal: Some Personal Recollections

An American ambassador recounts some of his dealings with Turgut Ozal, particularly on the first Iraq war, and provides his personal view of the...

Turkey and the European Union 2014 and Beyond

Turkey and the European Union: 2014 and Beyond

It seems likely that in 2013 Turkey and the EU will restart technical negotiations on one or more chapters. A real breakthrough, however, can only...

The Responsibility to Protect Doctrine Revived in Libya Buried in

The “Responsibility to Protect” Doctrine: Revived in Libya, Buried in Syria

Proponents of the “responsibility to protect” doctrine, commonly referred to as R2P, claim that it came of age with NATO’s successful military...

After the Constitution a New Battle in Egypt

After the Constitution, a New Battle in Egypt

The approval of the new, controversial Egyptian constitution does not end the transition process that started with the overthrow of President Hosni...

New Egypt versus the Felool Struggle for Democracy

New Egypt versus the Felool: Struggle for Democracy

What happened in Egypt? The Egyptian regime moved to the offensive prior to the presidential elections, and the military and the judiciary did...

The New Egyptian Constitution An Outcome of a Complex Political

The New Egyptian Constitution: An Outcome of a Complex Political Process

Although constitutions are intended to represent and confirm the spirit of coexistence between classes, sects and various components of society,...

From Damascus to Kabul Any Common Ground between Turkey and

From Damascus to Kabul: Any Common Ground between Turkey and Russia?

Over the past two decades Turkey and Russia have managed to normalize their bilateral relationship. Trade is flourishing, and human contacts are...

Northern Iraq s Oil Chessboard Energy Politics and Power

Northern Iraq’s Oil Chessboard: Energy, Politics and Power

The autonomous Kurdistan region of Iraq has emerged in recent years as a potentially significant supplier of oil and gas. This makes it of economic...

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