Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Current Developments in Regional Energy Security and Turkey

Current Developments in Regional Energy Security and Turkey

With increasing energy consumption from emerging economies, there will be a growing need for new fossil fuel resources and transportation routes,...

Plural Islamism in Plural Modernities

Plural Islamism in Plural Modernities

This article examines the trajectory of Islamism as a modern phenomenon. It demonstrates that, having evolved under the influence of myriad...

The Pessoptimist s Arab Revolution A Mismatch Between Social Evolution

The Pessoptimist’s Arab Revolution: A Mismatch Between Social Evolution and Political Revolution

The article argues that of the three structural problems of the Arab world, as enumerated in the UNDP Arab Human Development report, freedom,...

The Arab Spring and the New Geo-Strategic Environment in the

The “Arab Spring” and the New Geo-Strategic Environment in the Middle East

Contrary to the evaluation of several political leaders and analysts, the new Islamic governments that have been elected in Tunisia, Egypt and...

Was Huntington Right Revisiting the Clash of Civilizations

Was Huntington Right? Revisiting the Clash of Civilizations

This essay is an attempt to revisit Samuel Huntington’s controversial thesis about a clash of civilizations. Though the author has been an early...

The Positive Agenda and Beyond A New Beginning for the

The Positive Agenda and Beyond: A New Beginning for the EU-Turkey Relations?

What do Turkey’s democratic transformation, its future EU membership and its growing position in the Middle East signify for a Europe which is...

Turkey s EU Journey What Next

Turkey’s EU Journey: What Next?

Since EU membership negotiations began in 2005, Turkey has faced a range of obstacles, which have led to an impasse in the talks. As a consequence,...

Egypt at a Crossroads The Presidential Elections and Their Aftermath

Egypt at a Crossroads: The Presidential Elections and Their Aftermath

On June 17, Egypt ended the second and final round of the first presidential election since the removal of Mubarak and his regime in February 2011....

Egypt after Elections Towards the Second Republic

Egypt after Elections: Towards the Second Republic?

While Mohamed Morsi was being named as the fifth president of the Republic of Egypt and the first person to occupy the post since the January 25...

Insight Greece The Origins of the Present Crisis

Insight Greece: The Origins of the Present Crisis*

This commentary counters conservative, liberal, and social democratic explanations about Greece’s sovereign debt crisis. It advances an original...

Monetary Policy of Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey

Monetary Policy of Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey after Global Financial Crisis

The recent global financial crisis presented substantial challenges and lessons for all economic agents. One of the most important lessons learned...

The Syrian Quagmire What s Holding Turkey Back

The Syrian Quagmire: What’s Holding Turkey Back?

The Assad regime has been playing all the diplomatic, political, and security cards it has accumulated over the past several decades. While keeping...

Charting Transitions in the Middle East Lessons Learned from Tunisia

Charting Transitions in the Middle East: Lessons Learned from Tunisia and Egypt

As I write, revolutionary fever in the Middle East and North Africa has deposed presidents in the Arab republics of Yemen, Tunisia, Egypt, and...

Why Turkey Needs a Post-Kemalist Order

Why Turkey Needs a Post-Kemalist Order

The process of making a new constitution has prompted a debate about the place of Kemalism in the supreme normative order of the Turkish state....

A New Deal for Arab People

A New Deal for Arab People

In recent years the Arab lands have been reduced to a uniform discourse, which well suited those in America such as Bernard Lewis who tried to...

September 11 1683 Myth of a Christian Europe and the

September 11, 1683: Myth of a Christian Europe and the Massacre in Norway

This essay critically approaches the impact of September 11, 2001 attacks in galvanizing the myth of a Christian Europe, a myth that provided the...

A Tradition in Delivering Injustice Judiciary and Rights in Turkey

A Tradition in Delivering Injustice: Judiciary and Rights in Turkey

This piece is on a number of critical rulings issued recently by high courts in Turkey in brazen disregard of the discourse of human rights, to...

Turkey s Foray into Africa A New Humanitarian Power

Turkey’s Foray into Africa: A New Humanitarian Power?

Prime Minister Recep Erdoğan visited Somalia in mid-August to raise awareness on the devastating famine that left tens of thousands of people dead...

The Arab Spring and Turkey The Camp David Order vs

The Arab Spring and Turkey: The Camp David Order vs. the New Middle East

Over the past decade, Turkey has been experiencing a decisive transition that North Africa and the Middle East only recently have begun to feel. It...

The Arab Spring Gathers Clouds Why the Revolts for Change

The Arab Spring Gathers Clouds: Why the Revolts for Change Have Stalled

The wave of popular protests engulfing the Arab Middle East has yielded markedly different results. While the revolts in Egypt and Tunisia prompted...

Israel: Quo Vadis, Turkey?

The Mavi Marmara tragic affair is viewed in Israel as part of a Turkish political maneuvering which gained momentum following the Arab Spring....

Torpedoing the Law How the Palmer Report Justified Israel s

Torpedoing the Law: How the Palmer Report Justified Israel’s Naval Blockade of Gaza

On May 31st, 2010, Israeli commandos killed nine passengers aboard a humanitarian flotilla destined for Gaza. Eight of the nine were Turkish...

Disappointment at the United Nations The Failure of the Palmer

Disappointment at the United Nations: The Failure of the Palmer Report

After the Israeli attack of May 31, 2010 on the Freedom Flotilla led by the Mavi Marmara, the UN Secretary General appointed a panel of inquiry to...

Turkish Foreign Policy in the Balkans and Neo-Ottomanism A Personal

Turkish Foreign Policy in the Balkans and “Neo-Ottomanism”: A Personal Account

This essay examines the influence and performance as well as the perception of the new, pro-active Turkish foreign policy in South-East Europe. It...

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