Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Asia Heading Rightward Embarking on a New Era

Asia Heading Rightward: Embarking on a New Era

For decades, support for Palestine was one of the most important causes taken up by many Asian countries. The Soviet Union's collapse ushered the...

Turkish Foreign Policy in a Time of Perpetual Turmoil

Turkish Foreign Policy in a Time of Perpetual Turmoil

2016 was a difficult year for the world; however, Turkey demonstrated her strength and resilience politically, economically, and security-wise....

Turkey and Russia The Importance of Energy Ties

Turkey and Russia: The Importance of Energy Ties

Turkey and Russia maintain close energy ties in spite of difficulties in other areas of their relationship. This compartmentalization of ties was...

An Overview of Turkish Foreign Policy in the Balkans 1990-2016

An Overview of Turkish Foreign Policy in the Balkans: 1990-2016

The reforming of Turkish foreign policy in the Balkans was a process that started at the end of the Cold War and with the disintegration of...

After Aleppo The Long Game in Syria

After Aleppo: The Long Game in Syria

In the aftermath of the victory by pro-Syrian government forces in Aleppo in December 2016, many see an opportunity for a political resolution to...

Cornerstones of July 15 Women Who Are More Powerful than

Cornerstones of July 15: Women Who Are More Powerful than Tanks

Public reaction to the coup attempt in Turkey on July15, 2016, organized by members of a terrorist organization in the Turkish Army received a wide...

The Internationalization of Higher Education in Turkey Realities Motivations and

The Internationalization of Higher Education in Turkey: Realities, Motivations and Opportunities

The internationalization of higher education constitutes one of the essential components that countries pursue. As economic growth and qualified...

The Odyssey of the Turkish Constitutional Court into the World

The Odyssey of the Turkish Constitutional Court into the World of Individual Application

Since the introduction of the individual application as a constitutional remedy, the Turkish Constitutional Court, which traditionally dealt with...

Turkey s Proposed Presidential System An Assessment of Context and

Turkey’s Proposed Presidential System: An Assessment of Context and Criticisms

Debates over presidential, semi-presidential and parliamentary government systems have continued unabated in Turkey for almost 50 years. However,...

The Transformation of Turkey s Political System and the Executive

The Transformation of Turkey’s Political System and the Executive Presidency

This commentary analyzes the question of political transformation in Turkey, which has been a hotly debated issue for more than 40 years. Over the...

After the Coup Attempt Turkey s Success Story Continues

After the Coup Attempt, Turkey’s Success Story Continues

The July 15 coup attempt, which was orchestrated by the Pennsylvania-based terrorist organization led by Fetullah Gülen, highlighted the...

The Role that the Media Played in the Failure of

The Role that the Media Played in the Failure of the July 15 Coup Attempt

On the night of the July 15th coup attempt in Turkey both social and conventional media played important roles. Rather than inspiring and directing...

Turkey and the West after the Failed Coup Possible Scenarios

Turkey and the West after the Failed Coup: Possible Scenarios

Western powers are the main players that determine the national and international policies of Turkey, a NATO-member and a candidate country to the...

Turkey and the West after the Failed Coup Beyond Suspicion

Turkey and the West after the Failed Coup: Beyond Suspicion?

In the wake of the events of July 15, mutual suspicion is an accurate description of relations between Turkey and the U.S., and Turkish-Western...

Coup in Turkey and Egypt Internal and External Dynamics

Coup in Turkey and Egypt: Internal and External Dynamics

The failure of the July 15 coup attempt in Turkey gave rise to many comparisons between the coup attempt in Turkey and the coup in Egypt. This...

Conflicting Reactions in the Middle East towards the Coup Attempt

Conflicting Reactions in the Middle East towards the Coup Attempt in Turkey: Between Opposing and Welcoming

Reactions in the Arab world to the July 15 coup attempt in Turkey varied between opposing and acclaiming it. Remarkably, some of the most...

Geopolitical Realignments around Syria Threats and Opportunities

Geopolitical Realignments around Syria: Threats and Opportunities

The Syrian uprising took the regional powers by surprise and was able to disrupt the regional balance of power to such an extent that the Syrian...

Post-Nuclear Deal Iran Back to the Fold of Imperialism

Post-Nuclear Deal Iran: Back to the Fold of Imperialism?

Khomeini, the leader of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, sought to chart out an independent course for Iran in regional and global affairs: ‘neither...

The Multiple Faces of Jabhat al-Nusra Jabhat Fath al-Sham in

The Multiple Faces of Jabhat al-Nusra/Jabhat Fath al-Sham in Syria’s Civil War

Jabhat al-Nusra has long been one of the most militarily effective armed actors against the Syrian Ba’thist regime and it continues to play a...

The Syrian Political Opposition What Went Wrong

The Syrian Political Opposition: What Went Wrong?

The uprising against the decades-long Assad rule in Syria started as a series of peaceful demonstrations; however, the brutal crackdown of the...

The Mayhem in Syria Where to

The Mayhem in Syria: Where to?

What started as a peaceful protest in the spring of 2011 soon developed into one of the most vicious and internationalized conflicts of modern...

Political Relations between Turkey and Germany

Political Relations between Turkey and Germany

Turkish-German relations go back to the 16th century and have since then been sustained in different realms, such as the military, diplomacy and...

Economic Relations between Turkey and Germany

Economic Relations between Turkey and Germany

This paper examines the economic relations between Turkey and Germany, Turkey’s number one trade partner for over a century. It first ascertains...

German Media s Perception of Turkey

German Media’s Perception of Turkey

The difficulty of rendering a meaningful image of the German media’s perception of Turkey lies in the general character of modern media itself –as...

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