Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

The Political Economy of a Lasting Israel-Hamas Truce

The Political Economy of a Lasting Israel-Hamas Truce

At the conclusion of the summer 2014 Gaza War Israel, Hamas, and the P.A. agreed to meet in Cairo, Egypt to discuss a long-term ceasefire. The goal...

Migration Urban Space and Diversity A Case from Istanbul

Migration, Urban Space and Diversity: A Case from Istanbul

The growing flow of international migration to Turkey has serious implications for the social, economic and spatial transformation of recipient...

Perceptions of Syrians in Turkey

Perceptions of Syrians in Turkey

This article is a summary of the study “Syrians in Turkey: Social Acceptance and Integration,” which was conducted by the Hacettepe University...

Counter-Trafficking Policy and Immigrant Rights in Turkey

Counter-Trafficking Policy and Immigrant Rights in Turkey

Turkey has long been a transit site for irregular migration, and policy makers and advocates have stressed the vulnerability of many of these...

Turkey s Last Electoral Rite of Passage for a Post-Stress

Turkey’s Last Electoral Rite of Passage for a Post-Stress Democracy

Turkey’s presidential election in August 2014 introduced the direct election of the president, ushering in a new era of Turkish democracy. Recep...

Arab Reactions to Turkey s Regional Reengagement

Arab Reactions to Turkey’s Regional Reengagement

During the first years of its tenure in office, as the AK Party focused on consolidating its position domestically, Turkey’s reengagement with the...

The New Era in Turkish Foreign Policy Critiques and Challenges

The New Era in Turkish Foreign Policy: Critiques and Challenges

This article examines the critiques directed at Turkish foreign policy during the AK Party administration. There are three basic critiques leveled...

Turkey and the EU Looking Beyond the Pessimisms

Turkey and the EU: Looking Beyond the Pessimisms

This paper analyses the reasons for frustration and pessimism about Turkey-EU relations. It focuses on the impact of the crisis in Europe, the 2014...

Why Did Iran Diplomacy Work this Time Around

Why Did Iran Diplomacy Work this Time Around?

In May 2010, Turkey and Brazil surprised the world when they succeeded in getting Iran’s acceptance for a nuclear swap deal. To Turkey and Brazil’s...

The Crisis and Governance of Religious Pluralism in Europe

The Crisis and Governance of Religious Pluralism in Europe

In recent years, religious pluralism has become the focus of intense debate in Europe – from controversies regarding religious clothing and symbols...

The Kurdistan Regional Government Elections A Critical Evaluation

The Kurdistan Regional Government Elections: A Critical Evaluation

This analysis offers an evaluation of the last three elections of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in Iraq. These three elections included...

A Quick Glance at the History of Elections in Turkey

A Quick Glance at the History of Elections in Turkey

Generally speaking, two traditions – right-wing politics and the Left – have dominated Turkish politics over the years. This study aims to analyze...

The AK Party Dominant Party New Turkey and Polarization

The AK Party: Dominant Party, New Turkey and Polarization

One of the fiercest electoral battles fought in the Turkish political history, the March 30, 2014 local elections yielded results akin to an...

The Structural Causes of Political Crisis in Turkey

The Structural Causes of Political Crisis in Turkey

The December 17th process was started allegedly by a political move by the Gülen movement, which, until recently, had been seen as a religious...

Strengths and Constraints of Turkish Policy in the South Caucasus

Strengths and Constraints of Turkish Policy in the South Caucasus

Just after the end of the Soviet Union and the emergence of three independent states in the South Caucasus Turkey started to manifest a real...

Elections in Iraq What Does the Future Hold

Elections in Iraq: What Does the Future Hold?

Iraq held parliamentary elections in April, the country’s first vote since the withdrawal of U.S. troops in December 2011. Although turnout was...

Hezbollah and Syria From Regime Proxy to Regime Savior

Hezbollah and Syria: From Regime Proxy to Regime Savior

Hezbollah’s longstanding ties with the House of Assad lie at the core of its domestic and regional policies. Losing Assad would undermine...

The Impact of the New Zero Problems Policy and the

The Impact of the “New” Zero Problems Policy and the Arab Spring on the Relations between Turkey and Lebanese Factions

As the Arab Spring unfolds, a new power configuration is emerging in the Middle East. Turkey is at the center of the new setting, with a fully...

Can the U S Government Accept an Independent Turkish Foreign

Can the U.S. Government Accept an Independent Turkish Foreign Policy in the Middle East?

The end of the Cold War marked the end of adversary patterns of alignment in the Middle East, and the ebbing dichotomy between the U.S. and USSR...

The Turkish-Kurdish Peace Process Stalled in Neutral

The Turkish-Kurdish peace process began in early 2013 and stalled soon after. During that period, the Kurds expected the government to release KCK...

A Fire in the Minds of Arabs The Arab Spring

A Fire in the Minds of Arabs: The Arab Spring in Revolutionary History

Fire is both the symbol of revolution and its most potent weapon. Much like the American Revolution and other key historic events, the Arab Spring...

International Relations and Migration Management The Case of Turkey

International Relations and Migration Management: The Case of Turkey

States often fall out or collaborate over issues to do with international migration whilst migrants through their very actions shape the...

From Democracy to Military Dictatorship Egypt 2013 Chile 1973

From Democracy to Military Dictatorship: Egypt 2013 = Chile 1973

During the months leading up to July 3, 2013, the state of Egypt mirrored that of Chile 40 years ago. What Egypt’s Mohamed Mursi and Chile’s...

The Iran Nuclear Deal Rewriting the Middle East Map

The Iran Nuclear Deal: Rewriting the Middle East Map

Surveying today’s Middle Eastern and North African landscape offers few straws of hope. Iran’s reemergence producing a potential catalyst for a...

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