Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

The Cyprus Conflict A Case for Joint Decision Trap

The Cyprus Conflict: A Case for ‘Joint Decision Trap’


This paper is about the current stage of the Cyprus conflict in the context of the recent developments in the Eastern Mediterranean. The energy...

Turkey s Legal Approach to Maritime Boundary Delimitation in the

Turkey’s Legal Approach to Maritime Boundary Delimitation in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea


For more than a decade, the states bordering the Eastern Mediterranean Sea have been in disagreement over the delineation of their maritime...

Editor's Note Winter 2021

Editor's Note | Winter 2021

Editor's Note

While the importance of the region certainly is going to increase in the following years as more regional and global actors will be included in the...

The Politics of Recognition and Engagement EU Member States Relations

The Politics of Recognition and Engagement: EU Member States Relations with Kosovo

Book Reviews

Declaring its independence on February 18, 2008, Kosovo received strong support from the EU as a whole, yet when it comes to individual states the...

Cyprus and the Roadmap for Peace A Critical Interrogation of

Cyprus and the Roadmap for Peace: A Critical Interrogation of the Conflict

Book Reviews

Michális S. Michael and Yücel Vural’s edited volume of Cyprus and the Roadmap for Peace: A Critical Interrogation of the Conflict has its roots in...

Editor's Note Spring 2019

Editor's Note | Spring 2019

Editor's Note

This issue of Insight Turkey aims at analyzing the above mentioned issues and provide to its readers a general framework of the most important and...

Turkey and Germany in the Balkans Competing with Each Other

Turkey and Germany in the Balkans: Competing with Each Other?


This paper aims to see whether there is a commercial and financial rivalry between Turkey and Germany in the Balkans by examining the export...

Russia in the Balkans Great Power Politics and Local Response

Russia in the Balkans: Great Power Politics and Local Response


The present paper looks into the current policies of Russia in the Balkans. It argues that after a short period of withdrawal from the region,...

Turkey s Balkan Policy and Its Skeptics

Turkey’s Balkan Policy and Its Skeptics


During the last decades, in parallel to its economic growth and foreign policy activism, Turkey has become an important regional actor in the...

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