Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Social Movements and the Struggles for Rights Justice and Democracy

Social Movements and the Struggles for Rights, Justice and Democracy in Paraguay

Book Reviews

Struggles for Rights, Justice, and Democracy in Paraguay and Social Movements is a detailed and comprehensive work aimed at readers with a strong...

The Age of Counter-Revolution States and Revolutions in the Middle

The Age of Counter-Revolution: States and Revolutions in the Middle East

Book Reviews

The book The Age of the Counter- Revolution by Jamie Allinson, a Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at the University of...

Myanmar s Fragmented Democracy Transition or Illusion

Myanmar’s Fragmented Democracy: Transition or Illusion?

Book Reviews

Myanmar’s Fragmented Democracy: Transition or Illusion? by Felix Thiam Kim Tan is a valuable contribution to the study of Myanmar’s political...



Book Reviews

The events that preceded and followed the downfall of then octogenarian Hosni Mubarak in February 2011 are tackled by Robert Springborg in the...

Central and Southeast European Politics Since 1989

Central and Southeast European Politics Since 1989

Book Reviews

Central and Southeast European Politics Since 1989 aims to keep readers updated on the troublesome issues the countries of region have dealt with...

The World Is Bigger than Five A Salutary Manifesto of

“The World Is Bigger than Five”: A Salutary Manifesto of Turkey’s New International Outlook


President Erdoğan has expressed his objection to the current structure of the UN with the motto “the world is bigger than five.” The international...

The Lost Spring U S Policy in the Middle East

The Lost Spring: U.S. Policy in the Middle East and Catastrophes to Avoid

Book Reviews

The book under review is a work by American-Lebanese scholar Walid Phares, who specializes in Middle East politics. He has worked in different...

From Ballots to Bullets Arab Uprising and the Reoccurrence of

From Ballots to Bullets: Arab Uprising and the Reoccurrence of Authoritarian Politics

Review Article

Since the end of the Cold War, much of the turmoil in the Middle East has been caused by the religiopolitical identity of different countries of...

Chasing the Dream The Salman Doctrine and Saudi Arabia s

Chasing the Dream: The Salman Doctrine and Saudi Arabia’s Bid for Regional Dominance


Saudi Arabia’s massive air campaign against the Houthi rebels in Yemen initiated a major shift from the Kingdom’s traditional policy of restraint,...

The Crisis of the Liberal World Order and Turkey s

The Crisis of the Liberal World Order and Turkey’s Resistance


With the retreat of liberalism in the Western world and the US withdrawing on many global issues, the international system is undergoing serious...

The Paradox of Inclusion Exclusion of Islamist Parties in Tunisia

The Paradox of Inclusion/Exclusion of Islamist Parties in Tunisia and Jordan after the Arab Uprisings: A Comparative Study


The public protests that engulfed most Arab regimes in 2011 have since opened a Pandora’s Box of democratization processes in the MENA region. One...

Editor's Note Spring 2019

Editor's Note | Spring 2019

Editor's Note

This issue of Insight Turkey aims at analyzing the above mentioned issues and provide to its readers a general framework of the most important and...

Ir relevance of Croatian Experience for Further EU Enlargement

(Ir)relevance of Croatian Experience for Further EU Enlargement


Croatia’s experience of the EU accession and that of its six-year membership is only partially relevant for the Western Balkans’ EU enlargement....

Starve and Immolate The Politics of Human Weapons

Starve and Immolate: The Politics of Human Weapons

Book Reviews

The category of political prisoners has rarely been discussed as a theoretical and philosophical concept. However, the book under review tries to...

The Emergence of Kantian Culture in Turkish Foreign Policy 1980-2012

The Emergence of Kantian Culture in Turkish Foreign Policy (1980-2012): A Holistic Constructivist Approach

Book Reviews

There is hardly a more thought-provoking subject in the contemporary political history of Turkey than the country’s transforming state identity...

Transformation of Political Islam in Turkey Causes and Effects

Transformation of Political Islam in Turkey: Causes and Effects

Book Reviews

In Transformation of Political Islam in Turkey: Causes and Effects, Hakan Köni focuses on Turkish Political Islam’s (TPI) transformation in terms...

The New Political Islam Human Rights Democracy and Justice

The New Political Islam: Human Rights, Democracy and Justice

Book Reviews

After September 11, Islamophobic approaches in society have become more widespread, and have been observed to appear more regularly. However,...

The Challenge of Ethnic Democracy The State and Minority Groups

The Challenge of Ethnic Democracy: The State and Minority Groups in Israel, Poland and Northern Ireland

Book Reviews

In the midst of political discussions over Israel’s controversial Jewish Nation-state Law adopted in July, re-examining Israel’s alleged ethnic...

Guardians of the Arab State When Militaries Intervene in Politics

Guardians of the Arab State: When Militaries Intervene in Politics, from Iraq to Mauritania

Book Reviews

The role of the militaries in politics in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) has been one of the most popular issues among scholars and...

No Questions Asked Development and the Paradox of China s

No Questions Asked? Development and the Paradox of China’s Africa Policy


This paper argues that China’s strategy of engaging African countries through its stated “no questions asked” foreign policy could ultimately be...

Guest Editor's Note Winter 2019

Guest Editor's Note | Winter 2019

Editor's Note

Africa has often been the focus of contradictory attention that has oscillated between the labels of a physical obstacle to travel between Europe...

Imposing Particular Identities The Balkans as a Meeting Place of

Imposing Particular Identities: The Balkans as a Meeting Place of Ethnicities and Religions


Since Balkan ethnicities are primarily organized along locally-practiced religious lines, regional monotheistic religions are seen as the source of...

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