Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

War as the True Adversary and Türkiye s Pivotal Role

War as the True Adversary and Türkiye’s Pivotal Role in Forging Peace


The central thesis of this article depends on deterrence theory and posits that nuclear war, rather than any specific nation or faction,...

Russia s War against Ukraine

Russia’s War against Ukraine

Book Reviews

Gwendolyn Sasse’s Russia’s War against Ukraine provides a concise yet clear and comprehensive overview of the lead-up to the current state of war...

Ukraine and Russia From Civilized Divorce to Uncivil War

Ukraine and Russia: From Civilized Divorce to Uncivil War

Book Reviews

D’Anieri emphasizes that a traditional problem in international politics and the new one in the post-Cold War era linked the Russia-Ukraine...

Great Power Politics in Greater Eurasia Regional Alliances Institutions Projects

Great Power Politics in Greater Eurasia: Regional Alliances, Institutions, Projects, and Conflicts

Book Reviews

The expansive region stretching from the Baltic states to Central Asia has become a contested space characterized by competing interests among...

Strategic Uses of Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict Interest and Identity

Strategic Uses of Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict: Interest and Identity in Russia and the Post-Soviet Space

Book Reviews

This book provides a quite satisfying overview of the use of nationalism as a tool for gaining power and interests in post-Soviet countries...

The Ukraine War Impacts on the International System and Türkiye

The Ukraine War: Impacts on the International System and Türkiye


This article argues that the Ukraine war is the first major conflict since the end of the Cold War to bring the two major nuclear powers, the U.S....

The Paradoxical Role of Mediators in the Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict Prospects

The Paradoxical Role of Mediators in the Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict: Prospects and Concerns


This paper explores the underlying factors that pushed Russia, the European Union (EU), Türkiye, and somehow the U.S. to offer mediation to settle...

The Paradoxical Role of Mediators in the Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict Prospects

The Paradoxical Role of Mediators in the Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict: Prospects and Concerns


This paper explores the underlying factors that pushed Russia, the European Union (EU), Türkiye, and somehow the U.S. to offer mediation to settle...

The Paradoxical Role of Mediators in the Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict Prospects

The Paradoxical Role of Mediators in the Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict: Prospects and Concerns


This paper explores the underlying factors that pushed Russia, the European Union (EU), Türkiye, and somehow the U.S. to offer mediation to settle...

Security Aspect of the Integration in Turkic World under the

Security Aspect of the Integration in Turkic World under the Organization of Turkic States


The Turkic states began their collaboration in 1992. Over time, this cooperation has grown deeper, resulting in the establishment of the...

Potential of Organization of Turkic States in the International System

Potential of Organization of Turkic States in the International System: Promises and Vulnerabilities


This article examines the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) in the context of the complex geopolitical landscape of Central Asia and the...

The Organization of Turkic States and Postcolonialism in Central Asia

The Organization of Turkic States and Postcolonialism in Central Asia: Possible Contributions, Prospects, and Limitations


This paper explores the Organization of Turkic States’ (OTS) support in aiding Central Asian republics to address their historical legacies,...

Kazakhstan s Strategic Priorities in the Turkic World

Kazakhstan’s Strategic Priorities in the Turkic World


With its unwavering focus on institutionalizing cooperation within the Turkic World, Kazakhstan has successfully achieved to improve institutional...

Azerbaijan and the Rise of Turkic Unity The Journey of

Azerbaijan and the Rise of Turkic Unity: The Journey of the Organization of Turkic States


This commentary delves into the evolution of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS), highlighting its transformation from a consultative mechanism...

Iran-Russia-Türkiye Triangle A Challenge for the U S Position in

Iran-Russia-Türkiye Triangle: A Challenge for the U.S. Position in the Middle East


The American-centric world order that was shaped after the end of the Cold War is being questioned by dynamically growing “old” and “new” centers...

Italian-Turkish Relations Before and After the War in Ukraine From

Italian-Turkish Relations Before and After the War in Ukraine: From NATO Membership to Food Diplomacy


This paper explores Italy-Türkiye relations and food diplomacy’s role in shaping international relations, drawing parallels between Harry S....

The Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War on Türkiye's Foreign Trade

The Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War on Türkiye's Foreign Trade


This article analyzes the impact of Russia’s February 24, 2022 invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing war on Türkiye’s foreign trade. Türkiye’s shared...

The Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War on Türkiye's Foreign Trade

The Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War on Türkiye's Foreign Trade


This article analyzes the impact of Russia’s February 24, 2022 invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing war on Türkiye’s foreign trade. Türkiye’s shared...

Russia s 2022 War against Ukraine and the Foreign Policy

Russia’s 2022 War against Ukraine and the Foreign Policy Reaction of the EU: Context, Diplomacy, and Law

Book Reviews

The most interesting aspect of the book is that it was published a short time after the start of the war in February 2022. This is a normal case...

Serbia and the War in Ukraine

Serbia and the War in Ukraine


The war in Ukraine has created a situation in which the Republic of Serbia may see an opportunity to take up some unfinished business; for this...

Understanding Eurasia in Multiple Perspectives

Understanding Eurasia in Multiple Perspectives

Review Article

The three works reviewed in this article address Eurasia in different periods and different areas of concentration. Each one provides valuable...

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