Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Will the Rise of China Transform the International System

Will the Rise of China Transform the International System?


In this article, the rise of China is discussed in the light of economic and military data, and what the challenge from China means for the global...

Guest Editor's Note Summer 2020

Guest Editor's Note | Summer 2020

Editor's Note

Through a wide range of articles and commentaries, this issue aims to bring to its readers a comprehensive framework on the transformation of...

Africa s Development Trajectory Lessons from China

Africa’s Development Trajectory: Lessons from China

Review Article

Africa has been experiencing an appreciable measure of economic growth since 1995. This palpable improvement in the African condition has meant...

Editor's Note Spring 2020

Editor's Note | Spring 2020

Editor's Note

This issue of Insight Turkey aims to present the current situation of the Turkish-American relations and to provide to its readers with a general...

Calling for a Reset in Turkish-American Relations in the post-COVID

Calling for a Reset in Turkish-American Relations in the post-COVID International Order


Analysts emphasize that nothing will be the same after the pandemic and refer to the ‘new normal’ that is likely to prevail everywhere in the...

The Post-COVID-19 Economic Recovery U S -Turkey Commercial Ties that

The Post-COVID-19 Economic Recovery: U.S.-Turkey Commercial Ties that Bind


This paper examines the commercial opportunities that will endure in key sectors for the United States and Turkey in the midst of the coronavirus...

Start Small and Think Big to Rebuild the U S

Start Small and Think Big to Rebuild the U.S.-Turkey Relationship


The U.S.-Turkey bilateral relationship has been key to the success of NATO and the transatlantic community. However, due to various policy...

A Socio-Political Overview of Post-Socialist Southeastern Europe Today

A Socio-Political Overview of Post-Socialist Southeastern Europe Today


According to Freedom House, those southeast European states which have joined the European Union are “free” while the rest are “partly free.” For...

Trust in the European Union in Challenging Times Interdisciplinary European

Trust in the European Union in Challenging Times: Interdisciplinary European Studies

Book Reviews

Trust in the European Union in Challenging Times offers an interdisciplinary approach to trust in the European Union (EU) derived from political...

The Turkish Economy at the Crossroads The Political Economy of

The Turkish Economy at the Crossroads: The Political Economy of the 2018 Financial Turbulence


In 2018, the Turkish economy suffered one of the most severe financial speculations in its 38-year open economy era. Some have tried to explain the...

Relations between Russia and Turkey Before During and After the

Relations between Russia and Turkey Before, During, and After the Failed Coup of 2016


Increasing cooperation between Russia and Turkey date back to the 1990s, and go beyond the preferences of a specific political party or leader. A...

Editor's Note Spring 2019

Editor's Note | Spring 2019

Editor's Note

This issue of Insight Turkey aims at analyzing the above mentioned issues and provide to its readers a general framework of the most important and...

Iran s Military Capability The Structure and Strength of Forces

Iran’s Military Capability: The Structure and Strength of Forces


Economic upheaval in the post-revolutionary period, its ideological concerns, the lessons of the war with Iraq and the drive to assert regional...

The Crisis of Global Capitalism as the Harbinger of De-globalization

The Crisis of Global Capitalism as the Harbinger of De-globalization

Review Article

At no other time in the history of the world has the crisis in the global economy become a serious concern as it is currently the case. The promise...

Yemen and the Gulf States The Making of a Crisis

Yemen and the Gulf States: The Making of a Crisis

Book Reviews

Yemen and the Gulf States: The Making of a Crisis, an edited volume by Helen Lackner and Daniel Martin Varisco, provides six chapters presented in...

Ottoman Cash Waqfs An Alternative Financial System

Ottoman Cash Waqfs: An Alternative Financial System


The institutions of “waqfs,” that is foundations, stand before us as an intermediate option between collectivist and individualistic societies....

The June 24 Elections On Political Change and the Future

The June 24 Elections: On Political Change and the Future of Turkey


On June 24, 2018, two elections that determine Turkey’s future took place. By focusing on the political transformation that shaped the June 24...

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