Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Japan s Relations with Muslim Asia

Japan’s Relations with Muslim Asia

Book Reviews

The book is an attempt to add a new and fresh perspective to the existing literature. Its diverse, multi-language references will open many paths...

Rising Violence against Muslims in India Under Modi and BJP

Rising Violence against Muslims in India Under Modi and BJP Rule


While communal violence has been an ongoing and unfortunate reality for post-colonial and post-partition India, there’s no sidestepping the fact...

Islamophobia Neoliberalism and the Muslim Other

Islamophobia, Neoliberalism, and the Muslim ‘Other’


Muslim communities have been racialized as ‘Other’ for over 1,400 years.1 The manner in which the figure of the Muslim has been invoked as a threat...

For a New Alterity of Islam in European Perspective

For a New Alterity of Islam in European Perspective


The depiction of Islam and Muslims in Europe has, in general, been dominated by an ‘Othering’ in which they are considered inherently different,...

The Post-September 11 Rise of Islamophobia Identity and the Clash

The Post-September 11 Rise of Islamophobia: Identity and the ‘Clash of Civilizations’ in Europe and Latin America


Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Islamophobia exploded across ‘the West,’ but particularly in Europe. While Muslims were...

Modern Muslims Online Struggle Countering Islamophobia One Tweet at a

Modern Muslims’ Online Struggle: Countering Islamophobia One Tweet at a Time


This commentary sheds light on some of the most creative online campaigns which have been launched to counter Islamophobia and overcome the...

Decentralisation and the Management of Ethnic Conflict Lessons from the

Decentralisation and the Management of Ethnic Conflict: Lessons from the Republic of Macedonia

Book Reviews

Decentralisation and the Management of Ethnic Conflict, by Aisling Lyon, offers an analysis of local government decentralization as a potential...

Editor's Note Winter 2020

Editor's Note | Winter 2020

Editor's Note

Through a wide range of commentaries and articles, this issue of Insight Turkey aims to bring to its readers a comprehensive framework on the...

Identity Conflict and Politics in Turkey Iran and Pakistan

Identity, Conflict and Politics in Turkey, Iran and Pakistan

Book Reviews

This edited volume is a comprehensive text examining the relationship between identity politics and conflict management. The book works across...

State of Emergency Travels in a Troubled World

State of Emergency: Travels in a Troubled World

Book Reviews

The prologue of Navid Kermani’s travelogue describes an eclectic teahouse in Cairo, and what follows is, indeed, an eclectic collection of writings...

Cyprus and the Roadmap for Peace A Critical Interrogation of

Cyprus and the Roadmap for Peace: A Critical Interrogation of the Conflict

Book Reviews

Michális S. Michael and Yücel Vural’s edited volume of Cyprus and the Roadmap for Peace: A Critical Interrogation of the Conflict has its roots in...

The Gumilev Mystique Biopolitics Eurasianism and the Construction of Community

The Gumilev Mystique: Biopolitics, Eurasianism, and the Construction of Community in Modern Russia

Book Reviews

Professor Mark Bassin’s book deals with Lev Gumilev, the seminal Russian historian, ethnographer and philosopher, who is quite popular in Russia....

Preventive Detention in Counter-insurgencies The Case of Kashmir

Preventive Detention in Counter-insurgencies: The Case of Kashmir


This paper offers an analysis of preventive detention in the context of the disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir. It primarily explores the...

Chasing the Dream The Salman Doctrine and Saudi Arabia s

Chasing the Dream: The Salman Doctrine and Saudi Arabia’s Bid for Regional Dominance


Saudi Arabia’s massive air campaign against the Houthi rebels in Yemen initiated a major shift from the Kingdom’s traditional policy of restraint,...

Turkey and Saudi Arabia as Theo-political Actors in the Balkans

Turkey and Saudi Arabia as Theo-political Actors in the Balkans: The Case of Bulgaria


Turkey and Saudi Arabia have been increasingly utilizing religious services as an instrument in their foreign policies. One of the most recent...

Russia in the Balkans Great Power Politics and Local Response

Russia in the Balkans: Great Power Politics and Local Response


The present paper looks into the current policies of Russia in the Balkans. It argues that after a short period of withdrawal from the region,...

The European Crisis and Turkey s Unpredictable Role in the

The European Crisis and Turkey’s Unpredictable Role in the Balkans


This paper discusses Turkey’s role in the Balkans as part of the broader narrative of European integration. ‘Europeanization’ in the early 2000s...

Republic of Macedonia or North Macedonia

Republic of Macedonia or North Macedonia?


Before Macedonia even became an independent state, Greece objected to its existence under such a name. The Greek challenge to the name, ‘Republic...

What Is the Sharia

What Is the Sharia?

Book Reviews

Relevant to contemporary times when Sharia, generally referred to as Islamic law, has been associated with numerous negative connotations –ranging...

Journey into Europe Islam Immigration and Identity

Journey into Europe: Islam, Immigration, and Identity

Book Reviews

Journey into Europe: Islam, Immigration, and Identity is the last installment of a four-volume series written by Prof. Akbar Ahmed. The text is...

The Role of Croatia in Bosnia and Herzegovina Antemurale Christianitatis

The Role of Croatia in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Antemurale Christianitatis as a Policy of Choice


The commentary deals with the history of Croatian interference in BiH in the context of the place that BiH and its Muslims hold in the development...

The Challenge of Ethnic Democracy The State and Minority Groups

The Challenge of Ethnic Democracy: The State and Minority Groups in Israel, Poland and Northern Ireland

Book Reviews

In the midst of political discussions over Israel’s controversial Jewish Nation-state Law adopted in July, re-examining Israel’s alleged ethnic...

The Proposed Territorial Exchange between Serbia and Kosovo

The Proposed Territorial Exchange between Serbia and Kosovo


Serbia and Kosovo have initiated a process of territorial exchange that could have serious repercussions, both in the Western Balkans and...

Writing Malaysia and the Moro Identity An Analysis of the

Writing Malaysia and the Moro Identity: An Analysis of the Moro National Liberation Front’s Foreign Policy


Malaysia began supporting the MNLF when the group emerged in the 1970s. In recent years, however, the relationship between Malaysia and the MNLF...

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