Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Kurdish Votes in the June 24 2018 Elections An Analysis

Kurdish Votes in the June 24, 2018 Elections: An Analysis of Electoral Results in Turkey’s Eastern Cities


This article analyzes the voting patterns in eastern Turkey for the June 24, 2018 elections and examines the cross-sectional and longitudinal...

Islam in the Balkans Globalization Europeanization Localization

Islam in the Balkans: Globalization, Europeanization, Localization

Review Article

The study of European Islam is now experiencing an unprecedented revival. While most of its attention is dedicated to Islam as a minority in...

How Do Muslims Respond to Far Right Political Mobilization in

How Do Muslims Respond to Far Right Political Mobilization in Their European State?


This paper evaluates qualitative and quantitative evidence of Muslims’ European identification in France, Austria and the Netherlands while the far...

Re-narrating Europe in the Face of Populism An Analysis of

Re-narrating Europe in the Face of Populism: An Analysis of the Anti-immigration Discourse of Populist Party Leaders


Populist discourse is gaining more and more ground in Europe. As evidenced by the growing success of radical right wing parties, a ubiquitous right...

The Secular Foreign Fighters of the West in Syria

The Secular Foreign Fighters of the West in Syria


The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) operates under the names of the Democratic Union Party and the People’s Protection Units in Syria. The PKK is...

Engineering a European Islam An Analysis of Attempts to Domesticate

Engineering a European Islam: An Analysis of Attempts to Domesticate European Muslims in Austria, France, and Germany


Today, a number of European states’ policies on religion aim at creating a nationalized Islam. In many Western European countries, the Ministries...

Imposing Particular Identities The Balkans as a Meeting Place of

Imposing Particular Identities: The Balkans as a Meeting Place of Ethnicities and Religions


Since Balkan ethnicities are primarily organized along locally-practiced religious lines, regional monotheistic religions are seen as the source of...

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