Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Myanmar s Rohingya Genocide Identity History and Hate Speech

Myanmar’s Rohingya Genocide: Identity, History and Hate Speech

Book Reviews

The book covers human rights violations, which the author describes as genocide, experienced by the Rohingya people; the Myanmar ruler’s view of...

Rising Violence against Muslims in India Under Modi and BJP

Rising Violence against Muslims in India Under Modi and BJP Rule


While communal violence has been an ongoing and unfortunate reality for post-colonial and post-partition India, there’s no sidestepping the fact...

For a New Alterity of Islam in European Perspective

For a New Alterity of Islam in European Perspective


The depiction of Islam and Muslims in Europe has, in general, been dominated by an ‘Othering’ in which they are considered inherently different,...

The Post-September 11 Rise of Islamophobia Identity and the Clash

The Post-September 11 Rise of Islamophobia: Identity and the ‘Clash of Civilizations’ in Europe and Latin America


Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Islamophobia exploded across ‘the West,’ but particularly in Europe. While Muslims were...

Modernist Reformers in Islam Hinduism and Confucianism 1865-1935 Peripheral Geoculture

Modernist Reformers in Islam, Hinduism and Confucianism, 1865-1935: Peripheral Geoculture in the Modern World-System

Book Reviews

The history of religious reform movements across the world represent the specific socio-political requirements of different time and space....

Preventive Detention in Counter-insurgencies The Case of Kashmir

Preventive Detention in Counter-insurgencies: The Case of Kashmir


This paper offers an analysis of preventive detention in the context of the disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir. It primarily explores the...

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