Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Turkish and Hungarian Turanism against Russia in the Post-Cold War

Turkish and Hungarian Turanism against Russia in the Post-Cold War Era: Nostalgia Revisits Central Asia

Review Article

This review article is based on three books: Starting with Von Eschen a professor of history at the University of Virginia in Virginia U.S. who has...

Islamophobia Neoliberalism and the Muslim Other

Islamophobia, Neoliberalism, and the Muslim ‘Other’


Muslim communities have been racialized as ‘Other’ for over 1,400 years.1 The manner in which the figure of the Muslim has been invoked as a threat...

Anti-Muslim Hatred in Italy A Glocal Issue

Anti-Muslim Hatred in Italy: A Glocal Issue


The rise of far-right parties in Europe and harsh propaganda against immigrants and Muslims are primary sources for the development of anti-Islam...

Central and Southeast European Politics Since 1989

Central and Southeast European Politics Since 1989

Book Reviews

Central and Southeast European Politics Since 1989 aims to keep readers updated on the troublesome issues the countries of region have dealt with...

China s Investment in the Balkans under the Belt and

China’s Investment in the Balkans under the Belt and Road Initiative: A Chinese Perspective


China’s investment in the Balkan region has been maintaining good momentum in recent years, with preferential investments being in the...

Re-narrating Europe in the Face of Populism An Analysis of

Re-narrating Europe in the Face of Populism: An Analysis of the Anti-immigration Discourse of Populist Party Leaders


Populist discourse is gaining more and more ground in Europe. As evidenced by the growing success of radical right wing parties, a ubiquitous right...

Transatlantic Relations in the Age of Donald Trump

Transatlantic Relations in the Age of Donald Trump


While the future of the transatlantic relations has been a serious question of concern since the end of the Cold War, the institutionalized...

The European Union and the Mainstreaming of the Radical Right

The European Union and the Mainstreaming of the Radical Right


Radical right wing parties have been increasingly effective in challenging and eroding this consensus, using a redemptive sovereigntist platform to...

Turkey-EU Customs Union Its Modernization and Potential for Turkey-EU Relations

Turkey-EU Customs Union: Its Modernization and Potential for Turkey-EU Relations


The customs union is still one of the most concrete outcomes of Turkey’s gradual integration to the EU. However, due to changes in world trade, EU...

Virtual Neighbors Russia and the EU in Cyberspace

Virtual Neighbors: Russia and the EU in Cyberspace


The last decade has witnessed the consolidation of the European Union as a cybersecurity actor. Many of these developments have, directly or...

Germany and the European Union Post-Brexit Hegemon

Germany and the European Union: Post-Brexit Hegemon


In late-March 2019 the United Kingdom is scheduled to leave the European Union. Will Brexit lead to Germany becoming the EU’s hegemon? The...

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