Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
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The Century of Türkiye as a Strategic Discourse

The ‘Century of Türkiye’ has been introduced as the new discourse of strategy in Turkish foreign policy with the centennial of the Republic of Türkiye. In this respect, this article explores which factors determined the emergence of the discourse, how the agency has perceived the shifts in structure, how Türkiye has positioned itself concerning shifts in the international political system, global economy, and geography, the perils and promises of determined strategy, and what the discourse entails. It is argued that the new strategy is articulated as a vision-oriented strategy and constitutes a continuity in the preceding century in the country’s quest for greater autonomy. The article points out factors that could cause incongruence between what is intended with the articulated strategy, what is spoken through discourse, and what is actualized at the end.

The Century of Türkiye as a Strategic Discourse






The centennial of Turkish foreign policy is being welcomed with a new strategic discourse, the Century of Türkiye. This article aims to explore the dynamics that paved the way for the articulation of a new strategy in the next century of Turkish foreign policy. The questions that are deemed essential to substantiate the answer are defined as follows: which factors have determined the emergence of the discourse; how has the agency perceived the shifts in structure; how has Türkiye positioned itself with regard to shifts in the international political system, global economy, and geography; what are the perils and promises of the determined strategy; and what does the discourse entail.

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