Insight Turkey >
Issues | Identity and Foreign Policy: Lessons From Turkey
- Winter 2008 / Volume 10, Number 1
Identity and Foreign Policy: Lessons From Turkey
Editor's Note
Editor's Note | Fall 2018
Insight Turkey,in its 10 th volume, is out with a new design. We hope you will like it.
This article analyzes the identity dimension of EU-Turkey relations from the constructivist...
This paper challenges the view that the AKP is an "Islamist Party" and "hardly a democratic...
This article, based on a book published by SETA, looks at the attitudes of Turkish people towards...
This paper attempts to evaluate the forces behind the Turkish-Greek rapprochement, its prospects...
Turkey’s foreign policy needs a new orientation in the light of the new regional and global...
Despite its unique geographical and cultural position between East and the West, Turkey,...
This article seeks to analyze identity discourses in Turkey and Germany in the wake of the end of...
This paper examines the impact of contested national identity on Turkish and Japanese foreign...
Book Reviews
Nobody has any doubts that today we are in one of the most critical moments of Turkish-U.S....
2007 was the 800th anniversary of the JaIalal al-Din al-Rumi.UNESCO designated 2007 as the Rurni...
The establishment of a modern Turkey based on Western political values was a watershed in...
Medieval Islamic Political Thought examines political thought based on Islam within the indicated...
During the long years of the cold war, Turkey's foreign and security policies usually received...