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Insight Turkey > Issues | The Making of a "New Middle East" - Summer 2011 / Volume 13, Number 3

The Making of a "New Middle East"

Editor's Note

Editor's Note | Summer 2011
There is no better instrument than the ballot box to decide “who is to govern” if we care about popular legitimacy. No one can question the mandate given by the people through a free and fair election to a political party, irrespective of its ideology, identity and program.


Turkish Foreign Policy in the Balkans and “Neo-Ottomanism”: A Personal Account
This essay examines the influence and performance as well as the perception of the new,...

Prospects for Palestinian Unity After the Arab Spring
If the revolutions sweeping then Arab world are in fact its “spring” then the Hamas/Fateh...

Russia’s Counter-Revolutionary Stance toward the Arab Spring
The wave of uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa has not only affected Russia’s...

Unrest in the Arab World: Four Questions
This essay addresses four questions that the “Arab spring” has raised with respect to academic...


Emergence of a “Big Brother” in Europe: Border Control and Securitization of Migration
The European Union (EU) has been devising new methods to manage irregular migration and border...

Turkey in Europe: Record, Challenges and the Future
The relationship between Turkey (and its predecessor, the Ottoman Empire) and Europe has been...

Turkish Interests and Involvement in the Western Balkans: A Score-Card
The vigor which has characterized the Turkish approach to the Western Balkans since the end of...

Turkey’s New Activism in the Western Balkans: Ambitions and Obstacles
Following the Turkish Chairmanship-in-Office of the South-East European Cooperation Process...

The New Middle East and the United States: What to Expect After the Uprisings?
Recent uprisings and unrests across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) have brought new...

The EU and the Arab Spring: Between Spectatorship and Actorness
Throughout the first seven months of the Arab Spring, starting with the self-immolation of...

The Syrian Opposition in the Making: Capabilities and Limits
Syria became the latest Middle Eastern country to join the chain of protests sweeping across the...

Economic Liberalization and Class Dynamics in Turkey: New Business Groups and Islamic Mobilization
The growth of new capitalist classes since the 1980s has transformed social stratification,...

Turkey’s 2011 General Elections: Towards a Dominant Party System?
Since 2002, the Turkish electoral environment and the party system have been undergoing a...

Book Reviews

he Roots of Balkanization: Eastern Europe C.E. 500-1500
In his book, Ion Grumeza ambitiously sets about “to fill a gap with authoritative material on how...

Questioning the Veil: Open Letters to Muslim Women
Leaving aside the academic discourse, the “theoretical and methodological shields that usually...

Syria and the Doctrine of Arab Neutralism: from Independence to Dependence
Rami Ginat’s monograph traces the development of Syria’s foreign policy of neutralism during its...

Shoah: Turkey, the US, and the UK
T“I was alive only because I had a Turkish passport,” tells Lazar Russo in Arnold Reisman’s...

Turkey’s Entente with Israel and Azerbaijan: State Identity and Security in the Middle East and Caucasus
In this timely book Alexander Murinson explores the forces behind the entente between Turkey,...

Turkey in the 1960’s and 1970’s Through the Reports of American Diplomats
Rıfat N. Bali has done us a great service by publishing reports of American diplomats about...

Headscarf Politics in Turkey, A Postcolonial Reading
The distressing photo on the cover effectively represents the content of this book. The photo...

Cinema in Turkey: A New Critical History
Cinema in Turkey differs from other recent books on the subject – notably Gönül Dönmez-Colin’s...

A Moveable Empire: Ottoman Nomads, Migrants and Refugees
Reşat Kasaba is a well-established, highly competent social scientist with a profound interest in...

Women and Slavery in the Late Ottoman Empire: The Design of Difference
Professor Zilfi, a well-established, leading historian of the Ottoman Empire, has joined the...

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