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Insight Turkey > Issues | Turkey's Foreign Policiy Options - Summer 2014 / Volume 16, Number 3

Turkey's Foreign Policiy Options

Editor's Note

Editor's Note | Summer 2014
The international community faces a series of serious challenges, which need to be urgently addressed otherwise the ongoing conflicts will become entrenched and will have increasingly dire spillover effects on the region and globally.


Turkey’s Last Electoral Rite of Passage for a Post-Stress Democracy
Turkey’s presidential election in August 2014 introduced the direct election of the president,...

Arab Reactions to Turkey’s Regional Reengagement
During the first years of its tenure in office, as the AK Party focused on consolidating its...

The New Era in Turkish Foreign Policy: Critiques and Challenges
This article examines the critiques directed at Turkish foreign policy during the AK Party...

Turkey and the EU: Looking Beyond the Pessimisms
This paper analyses the reasons for frustration and pessimism about Turkey-EU relations. It...

Why Did Iran Diplomacy Work this Time Around?
In May 2010, Turkey and Brazil surprised the world when they succeeded in getting Iran’s...

The Crisis and Governance of Religious Pluralism in Europe
In recent years, religious pluralism has become the focus of intense debate in Europe – from...

The Kurdistan Regional Government Elections: A Critical Evaluation
This analysis offers an evaluation of the last three elections of the Kurdistan Regional...


The Evolution of Turkey’s Foreign Policy under the AK Party Government
This article aims to explain the evolution of Turkish foreign policy through the search for a...

Civilizational Discourse, the ‘Alliance of Civilizations’ and Turkish Foreign Policy
The main orientation of Turkish foreign policy has recently been described as Europeanization,...

The Rise of Radical Liberal Discourse in Turkish Foreign Policy
Change is a central concept in Turkish and global politics. It forms the basis of liberal...

Bringing the European Union Back on the Agenda of Turkish Foreign Policy
The EU has been successfully exercising its conditionality as a key aspect of its enlargement...

Can the Kurdish Left Contribute to Turkey’s Democratization?
The current peace process regarding Turkey’s Kurdish question could pave the way for the...

Russia, Ukraine and the Eastern Partnership: From Common Neighborhood to Spheres of Influence?
This paper provides an analysis of the most recent changes in Russian foreign policy that became...

Introducing the FPC-TR Dataset: Dimensions of AK Party Foreign Policy
This paper presents the Foreign Policy Circumplex (FPC) coding framework and the (FPC-TR) to...

Book Reviews

Türkiye Dış Politikası İlkeler, Aktörler, Uygulamalar
Ali Balcı’s book, Türkiye Dış Politikası: İlkeler, Aktörler, Uygulamalar (Turkish Foreign Policy:...

The Young Turks’ Crime Against Humanity The Armenian Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in the Ottoman Empire
What happened in 1915 is a much debated issue by scholars and researchers as well as politicians....

The Berlin-Baghdad Express The Ottoman Empire and Germany’s Bid for World Power
Sean McMeekin’s book is a critical reading of the history of German involvement in the Middle...

Healing the Nation Prisoners of War, Medicine and Nationalism in Turkey, 1914-1939
Over the past decade, the social and political history of Ottoman/Turkish medicine has been...

Return of a King The Battle for Afghanistan, 1839-42
William Dalrymple, famed British historian and writer, is widely considered as the leading modern...

No Establishment of Religion America’s Original Contribution to Religious Liberty
John Witte, Jr., the Director of the Center for the Study of Law and Religion at Emory...

Understanding Turkey’s Kurdish Question
The Kurdish question has been one of the most highly debated issues in Turkey for the last few...

The Ottoman Origins of Modern Iraq Political Reform, Modernization and Development in the Nineteenth-Century Middle East
Studies on the Ottoman modernization of Arab provinces have received an increasing amount of...

Biography of an Empire Governing Ottomans in an Age of Revolution
Christine M. Philliou’s meticulous study, rooted in a harmony of multiple theoretical and...

The EU’s Democracy Promotion and the Mediterranean Neighbors Orientation, Ownership and Dialogue in Jordan and Turkey
The EU has been involved in democracy promotion in the Mediterranean for many years. However, it...

Turkey and the Arab Spring Leadership in the Middle East
Some 15 to 20 years from today, it will be illuminating to examine how academic and policy...

The Wisdom of Syria’s Waiting Game Foreign Policy Under the Assads
How has the Syrian regime, being the ‘odd man out’ in the Middle East, survived for so many years...

The Worlds of European Constitutionalism
This edited volume on European constitutionalism is a compendium of essays with different...

Institutional Change in Turkey The Impact of European Union Reforms on Human Rights and Policing
A researcher interested in Turkish foreign policy and domestic politics, I was very captivated...

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