AK Party 15 Years in Power
Editor's Note
Editor's Note | Spring 2017
Turkey has been experiencing a transformation process since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. Then President of Turkey, Turgut Özal, instigated a program of change; however, his successors failed to continue the process. Throughout the 1990s, Turkey was trapped into unstable coalition governments and it was unable to initiate a large-scale reform package. It was when the AK Party came to power in 2002 that Turkey initiated a comprehensive program for the reconstruction of the state.
In its 15 years as Turkey’s ruling party, the AK Party has left its imprint on foreign policy....
The constitutional amendments approved by the referendum of April 16, 2017 are not only a...
In each era, relations with Europe have constituted one of the most significant areas of Turkish...
Deliberately Misunderstanding Turkey 101 – a new hot pick in European journalism studies? Has...
For decades, support for Palestine was one of the most important causes taken up by many Asian...
The macroeconomic and financial stability orientation of AK Party governments, with their...
Turkey-EU relations have historical significance in terms of politics, societal structures along...
This study analyzes the peace and reconciliation initiatives of the AK Party governments (2002...
This article aims to evaluate the 15 years of leadership of the AK Party in terms of health and...
The Ennahda Movement, whose foundations were laid in Tunisia at the beginning of the 1970s by...
Egypt under President Abdel Fatteh el-Sisi appears committed to avoid falling into the...
Review Article
What Constitutes the State’s Culture of Political Violence?
A culture of political violence is the configuration of factors which exist lastingly in a political subject’s milieu, and determine if and to what extent the use of violence is acceptable to and allowable by this subject. This theoretical category is highly applicable to explain why some states, political groups, social movements, and individuals use political violence eagerly while others are reluctant to do so. Its model may consist of various analytical levels determined according to the type of its subject.
Book Reviews
In Stratejik İstihbarat ve Ulusal Güvenlik (Strategic Intelligence and National Security), Merve...
Non-state violence by rebel groups, including terrorists, has become a major headache for policy...
In Investigating Terrorism: Current Political, Legal and Psychological Issues, the contributors...
At best an honorable spy, at worst an insipid appeaser, and presumed by some to be a relic of the...
Democratization is an ongoing process. Various social, economic, and historical dynamics play a...
The newly independent countries across the post-Soviet space faced a set of ontological...
International politics in the 21st century is distinctive in several ways. First, new regional...
Moritz Deutschmann in his book Iran and Russian Imperialism: the Ideal Anarchists, 1800-1914,...
The Balkan Wars are among the harshest defeats the Ottomans ever experienced. The shock that was...
The Economic Transformation of Turkey: Neoliberalism and State Intervention by Nilgün Önder...