Trump's America
Editor's Note
Editor's Note | Summer 2017
The American Presidential election in 2016 is a significant breakpoint in American history for both the uniqueness of the election campaigns and the unexpected results. After Donald Trump declared his electoral victory, getting fewer votes than his rival, Hillary Clinton, in nationwide elections, thousands of Americans poured out into the streets, protested the results and denounced Trump’s presidency.
The American political elite’s legitimacy crisis is demonstrated by Trump’s rise by challenging...
This commentary makes the case as to why the U.S. tactical nuclear weapons that have been...
In the last two decades, Islamophobia in the West has become mainstream. Covertly, Islamophobia...
The commentary examines the roots of electoral shifts towards right wing populist parties and...
The whole Middle East region passed through an upheaval and transformation for two weeks in the...
Involving sixty countries, the Belt and Road Initiative sparked a global debate because of its...
While controversies and debates proliferate about Trump's Presidency, there is little analysis of...
The often-used description in the American mainstream media and geopolitical literature of “North...
In drafting its Middle East policy, the Trump administration appears to depart from the soft...
In Libya high hopes for change, experienced in 2012 and 2013 after Muammar Qaddafi was overthrown...
Utilizing Gramsci’s conceptualization of hegemonic struggles through both coercive means of the...
The main aim of this paper is to prove that religious communities can play a vital role in...
Review Article
The Democratization Process in Turkey: Theory, Legacy, and Prospects
In one of his articles on the requirements of large-scale democracy and political institutions, Robert A. Dahl warns students of political science by stating, “in ordinary language, we use the word democracy to refer both to a goal or ideal and to an actuality that is only a partial attainment of the goal.” A practical use of this notice in scholarly analyses is to start with the postulate that, “every actual democracy has fallen short of democratic criteria.” Amongst others, Turkish democracy, in this sense, is not exceptional in failing to meet the entangled criteria of actual, and ideal democracy.
Book Reviews
As its name suggests, this is a book that attempts to answer one of the greatest historical...
The Shape of the New consists of two parts, seven chapters and a conclusion. The subtitle, “Four...
The book is a compilation of lectures Bourdieu delivered at the Collège de France between the...
Furthermore, while Central Asia’s urban centers were, as Starr illustrates, already occupied with...
The book analyzes environmental issues under three main chapters. The first chapter discusses the...
The author starts by giving important clues about how hospitality should be structured for...
When we look at important aspects of the book, Gambetta and Hertog’s contribution to the...
The author begins by analyzing the deep state, which as a term originates from near Turkish...
The Circassian is a successful attempt in two ways. Firstly, Fortna’s chronological design of the...
One of Viroli’s aims is to refute the common perception that Machiavelli was a ‘teacher of evil’...