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Insight Turkey > Issues | Turkey in a Changing World: Responses to Domestic and Regional Dynamics - Summer 2019 / Volume 21, Number 3

Turkey in a Changing World: Responses to Domestic and Regional Dynamics

Editor's Note

Editor's Note | Summer 2019
This issue of Insight Turkey highlights some of the various regional developments around Turkey and discusses various movements of new actors and instruments, crises and progresses, from economy to culture, and how Turkey responds to these changing dilemmas.


Why the Neutrality of Azerbaijan Is Important for the European Union
Fragile stability in the South Caucasus is hugely dependent on the neutrality or so-called...

Chasing the Dream: The Salman Doctrine and Saudi Arabia’s Bid for Regional Dominance
Saudi Arabia’s massive air campaign against the Houthi rebels in Yemen initiated a major shift...

Remarks on Turkey’s Judicial Reform Strategy Document
The Judicial Reform Strategy Document, which was announced to the public on May 30, 2019, is the...

European Parliament Elections: A New Political Environment in Europe and Turkey
Citizens of the European Union (EU) voted to elect 751 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs)...

The Crisis of the Liberal World Order and Turkey’s Resistance
With the retreat of liberalism in the Western world and the US withdrawing on many global issues,...


Economic Power and International Security
International security theories generally identify economic power as the key determinant of...

Turkey’s Relations and Energy Cooperation with the BSEC
Turkey is conducting an increasingly active energy diplomacy and in order to understand the role...

Persuading through Culture, Values, and Ideas: The Case of Turkey’s Cultural Diplomacy
Cultural diplomacy always links to and often overlaps with soft power and public diplomacy. Thus,...

Ottoman Cash Waqfs: An Alternative Financial System
The institutions of “waqfs,” that is foundations, stand before us as an intermediate option...

Managing Democratization: Achievements and Limitations in AK Party Era
During its first two terms (2002-2012), AK Party adopted a range of constitutional...

TİKA’s Soft Power: Nation Branding in Turkish Foreign Policy
Over the past fifteen years, nation branding has become a popular subject of study, and a...

Strategic Culture of the OSCE and Its Reflection in the Effort to De-escalate and Resolve the Conflict in Ukraine
The OSCE has until now been the only security organization which directly participated in the...

Four Migration Stories: Four Turkish Migrants, Four Sui Generis Portraits in Germany
This study attempts to analyze the peculiarity of the migration stories of the Muslims in Germany...

Review Article

From Ballots to Bullets: Arab Uprising and the Reoccurrence of Authoritarian Politics
Since the end of the Cold War, much of the turmoil in the Middle East has been caused by the religiopolitical identity of different countries of the region. Since Islam is the dominant religion of the region, almost all of the scholarly work produced about its politics revolves around the theme of political Islam.

Book Reviews

Questioning Modernity in Indonesia and Malaysia
Modernity, as it stands in the book, refers to a theoretical set of facile tools which improve an...

Strategic Failure: How President Obama’s Drone Warfare, Defense Cuts, and Military Amateurism Have Imperiled America
Grand strategy is a blueprint that sets the path to foreign policy; more specifically, it reveals...

The Fracking Debate: The Risks, Benefits and Uncertainties of the Shale Revolution
For decades, energy, especially oil, has been the weak spot of the United States. This...

The Lost Spring: U.S. Policy in the Middle East and Catastrophes to Avoid
The book under review is a work by American-Lebanese scholar Walid Phares, who specializes in...

The Taliban Reader: War, Islam and Politics
The Taliban Reader represents a collection of diversified primary sources associated with the...

Syria Burning: A Short History of a Catastrophe
Since the commencement of the Syrian uprising in March 2011, which would thereafter change the...

Trials of Europeanization: Turkish Political Culture and the European Union
Turkey’s modernization and Westernization process, which started with ‘Tanzimat’ in 1839 with an...

Turkey’s July 15th Coup: What Happened and Why
Evaluating an edited book written by twelve authors with significantly different points of view...

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