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Insight Turkey > Issues | Turkey's New Foreign Policy: A Quest for Autonomy - Fall 2019 / Volume 21 Number 4

Turkey's New Foreign Policy: A Quest for Autonomy

Editor's Note

Editor's Note | Winter 2019
Insight Turkey’s last issue for 2019 “Turkey’s New Foreign Policy: A Quest for Autonomy” analyses how Turkey with great stamina has proven that it is a strong cooperative player and balancer between the polarities of the world, as a voice for the oppressed and a pillar of strength among the dominant forces in the world.


The Power of Law vs. the Power of Arms: The Turkish Judiciary’s Test with the Coup
Thousands of judges and prosecutors in Turkey risked their lives to inquire into the activities...

Preventive Detention in Counter-insurgencies: The Case of Kashmir
This paper offers an analysis of preventive detention in the context of the disputed territory of...

Turkey, the U.S., Russia, and the Syrian Civil War
This commentary provides an analysis of the Turkey’s relations with the U.S. and Russia in the...

A Three-level Analysis of Turkey’s Crisis with the U.S.-led Order
Starting in 2013, Turkish-American relations have been undergoing one of the deepest and most...


Erdoğan’s Personal Diplomacy and Turkish Foreign Policy
In recent years, one of the most popular concepts in Turkish foreign policy has been public...

The Turkish Economy at the Crossroads: The Political Economy of the 2018 Financial Turbulence
In 2018, the Turkish economy suffered one of the most severe financial speculations in its...

Clashing Interests in the Eastern Mediterranean: What About Turkey?
The Eastern Mediterranean region has recently emerged as one of the pivotal foci of international...

Relations between Russia and Turkey Before, During, and After the Failed Coup of 2016
Increasing cooperation between Russia and Turkey date back to the 1990s, and go beyond the...

“The World Is Bigger than Five”: A Salutary Manifesto of Turkey’s New International Outlook
President Erdoğan has expressed his objection to the current structure of the UN with the motto...

Iran’s Military Capability: The Structure and Strength of Forces
Economic upheaval in the post-revolutionary period, its ideological concerns, the lessons of the...

Review Article

U.S. Interests and the Israel-Palestine Conflict: A Review
There is a strong relationship between American journalists and scholars. One of the features that some American journalists and scholars have in common is their pro-Zionist bias. It has long been realized that Israel has been granted a certain immunity, which is unique in nature.

Book Reviews

The Hell of Good Intentions: America’s Foreign Policy Elite and the Decline of U.S. Primacy
The Hell of Good Intentions: America’s Foreign Policy Elite and the Decline of U.S. Primacy...

Identity, Conflict and Politics in Turkey, Iran and Pakistan
This edited volume is a comprehensive text examining the relationship between identity politics...

State of Emergency: Travels in a Troubled World
The prologue of Navid Kermani’s travelogue describes an eclectic teahouse in Cairo, and what...

Qatar: Small State, Big Politics
Gaining independence from Britain in 1971 and enjoying enormous oil and natural gas resources,...

Cyprus and the Roadmap for Peace: A Critical Interrogation of the Conflict
Michális S. Michael and Yücel Vural’s edited volume of Cyprus and the Roadmap for Peace: A...

The Sovietization of Azerbaijan: The South Caucasus in the Triangle of Russia, Turkey and Iran, 1920-1922
The Sovietization of Azerbaijan is a political history of the occupation of the sovereign...

The Gumilev Mystique: Biopolitics, Eurasianism, and the Construction of Community in Modern Russia
Professor Mark Bassin’s book deals with Lev Gumilev, the seminal Russian historian, ethnographer...

Political Science: A Global Perspective
This new text on Political Science is a very advanced intellectual discourse on selected topics...

Widening the World of International Relations: Homegrown Theorizing
The discipline of International Relations (IR) has been subjected to various questions,...

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