Insight Turkey >
Issues | Transformation of Turkey’s Defense Industry
- Summer 2020 / Volume 22, Number 3
Transformation of Turkey’s Defense Industry
Editor's Note
Guest Editor's Note | Summer 2020
Through a wide range of articles and commentaries, this issue aims to bring to its readers a comprehensive framework on the transformation of Turkey’s Defense Industry and changing patterns of its military strategy.
Tracing the evolution of the Turkish defense industry through five major periods of development,...
Turkey’s new expeditionary capability, resting on enhanced naval capacity and new forward bases,...
The longstanding unresolved issue of Kashmir serves as a nuclear flashpoint between India and...
Pandemics and related problems have been an important public health issue throughout history and...
On July 10, 2020, the Council of State revoked a 1934 Cabinet decree that had turned Hagia Sophia...
In the post-9/11 era and now in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the meaning of security and...
The existing body of research on defense spending contains two main theses that appear in the...
The Mediterranean region has witnessed a lot of turbulence in the last decade. On the one hand,...
U.S. President Donald Trump declared his long-awaited and debated Middle East ‘peace plan,’ the...
Rapid advances in technology enable incremental developments in the aerospace and defense sector,...
With the wrap-up of the S-400 deal with Russia in December 2017, critics argue that Turkey is...
As the incumbent Turkish administration strives to pursue more aspiring goals in foreign affairs,...

Deciphering Turkey’s Assertive Military and Defense Strategy: Objectives, Pillars, and Implications*
This article argues that the change in Turkey’s defense and military strategy stems both from...
Review Article
Africa’s Development Trajectory: Lessons from China
Africa has been experiencing an appreciable measure of economic growth since 1995. This palpable improvement in the African condition has meant that the Afro-pessimism of the previous decade had to be jettisoned for the more positive narrative captioned as Africa rising. Made in Africa by Carol Newman, et al. is the outcome of a research program on Learning to Compete (L2C) sponsored by the African Development Bank, the Brookings Institution, and the United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) with the objective of identifying why there is so little industry in Africa despite the impressive record of economic growth being posted by the continent.
Book Reviews
The Sinai Peninsula has for years witnessed intense political and military clashes, and...
A researcher who wrote her thesis about television series (musalsalat in Arabic) aired in Syria,...
Healthcare reform has been a significant issue across the world for some time. In my humble...
Global Responses to Conflict and Crisis in Syria and Yemen focuses on the humanitarian crises and...
In The Global Transformation: History, Modernity and the Making of International Relations, Barry...
The history of religious reform movements across the world represent the specific socio-political...
Discourses, even though they seem so different and opposing, can be quite similar and serve for...
America’s Covert War in East Africa discloses the hidden face of security policy violations in...
The civil war in Syria, now ongoing for 10 years, does not appear to be ending soon given the...
Web Panel | Transformation of Turkey’s Defense Industry
Insight Turkey coordinated a panel with the contribution of distinguished speakers, in which a comprehensive framework of Turkey's Defense Industry transformation and the changing patterns of military strategy were discussed.