Insight Turkey >
Issues | Resurge of Anti-Islam Activity Worldwide
- Spring 2021 / Volume 23, Number 2
Resurge of Anti-Islam Activity Worldwide
Editor's Note
Editor's Note | Spring 2021
At a time when anti-Islam activities are resurging and the Muslim voices are kept down, this issue of Insight Turkey aims to present and to provide the verity to its readers through an extensive and rich framing of the ongoing anti-Islam practices worldwide. We hope that this issue contributes to increasing awareness about anti-Islam activities in today’s world.
In this commentary, I deal with how the governing conservative Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP)...
While communal violence has been an ongoing and unfortunate reality for post-colonial and...
The commentary looks at the stance of France on the Second Karabakh war between Armenia and...
The rise of far-right parties in Europe and harsh propaganda against immigrants and Muslims are...
This commentary sheds light on some of the most creative online campaigns which have been...
Muslim communities have been racialized as ‘Other’ for over 1,400 years.1 The manner in which the...
In today’s the United Kingdom, Islamophobia is as contested as it is real. Challenging this...
The depiction of Islam and Muslims in Europe has, in general, been dominated by an ‘Othering’ in...
Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Islamophobia exploded across ‘the West,’...
Grasping the various aspects of Islamophobia in Muslim societies requires much finer methods in...
The visibility of women and their freedoms in the French public sphere is envisaged in this...
This article attempts to understand the outcomes of the crackdown on the Arab revolts and the...
This article examines the use of coercive engineered migration as a hybrid threat during the 2015...
After a careful investigation of available archival documents of the Central Intelligence Agency...
Review Article
The Quest for Soviet Legacy in Russian Foreign Policy
Russian foreign policy is a popular subject on which scholars have lately conducted much research. The current stage of these studies is competent in explaining various aspects of Russian foreign policy. Yet, considering both earlier and more recent works, there seems to be a trend of focusing solely on the post-Soviet era. Relatedly, the majority of the current literature adopts perspectives that analyze the period after Vladimir Putin’s rise to power. Moreover, almost all of the prominent and relatively less-cited research takes a leader-oriented approach. Hence, despite the satisfying heft of the current literature, there still is a gap regarding the Soviet legacy behind Russia’s foreign policy orientations. In other words, although most of the components and goals of Moscow’s foreign policy have been previously covered, the role of Soviet history/the Soviet mindset remains vague. To this end, this review article thoroughly analyzes the four selected books and engages with their contributions in terms of defining the role of the Soviet legacy in Russian foreign policy formulations.
Book Reviews
Sufism: A Theoretical Intervention in Global International Relations is both a contribution to...
The False Promise of Liberal Order is an enjoyable read for those looking for realist’s work with...
The book is an attempt to add a new and fresh perspective to the existing literature. Its...
With Between Two Coups, Salık fills a gap in the literature of Turkish-Syrian relations and...
The book’s originality owes much to Yükselen’s examination of the changing character of the...
In Road Warriors, Daniel Byman explores an issue that has played a significant role in the...
Nye discusses the challenges for a future, moral foreign policy and specifies two global power...
Beyond the Steppe Frontier can be a guiding example of studying the borderland settlements...
Although Spiritual Subjects is predominately a thoughtful monograph on the Hajj in West Asia, it...
Exploring Emotions in Turkey-Iran Relations provides valuable historical and theoretical insights...