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Insight Turkey > Issues | Regional Developments and Challenges - Summer 2021 / Volume 23, Number 3

Regional Developments and Challenges

Editor's Note

Editor's Note | Summer 2021
The summer issue of Insight Turkey aims to highlight the recent developments and challenges in the Middle East by taking into consideration the Palestinian- Israeli impasse, Iranian politics, and Turkey’s increasing influence in the region.


A Panoramic View of the UK Relations with the EU and Turkey Post-Brexit
In the last century, the importance of foreign trade, particularly net exports of goods and...

Iran Under Raisi’s Presidency
Following the Islamic Revolution, a number of leaders have served as the highest elected official...

Israeli Persecution in Occupied Jerusalem: Physical and Structural Violence Employed to Change Jerusalemites’ Identity
Israeli authorities have committed a wide range of human rights violations, including direct...

Rethinking the Palestinian Problem and ‘The Right Strategy’ for Palestinian Liberation
The Palestinian tragedy is not simply a matter of one nation-state suppressing another nation...


The Belt and Road Initiative and the Middle Corridor: Complementarity or Competition?
Though the Chinese government has projected the BRI in economic terms, it has been viewed...

Demystifying Qatar’s Pro-Revolution Monarchy: Old Rivalries, New Geopolitical Motives
Unlike other Arab monarchies, Qatar has embraced a supportive position toward the Arab...

Questioning the Compass of the Western Media: Early Perceptions of the July 15 Coup Attempt in Turkey
This study investigates how the western media reacted immediately after the July 15, 2016 coup...

TİKA’s Heritage Restoration Projects: Examples of Foreign Aid or Proof of Neo-Ottomanism?
Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Turkey has been using the Turkish Cooperation and...

Is Turkey Ready for the Post COVID-19 World Order?
The COVID-19 outbreak has had a huge impact on the global economy and politics. Closures and...

How the Iranian Regime Survived: Examining Internal and External Strategies
Following the Trump Administration’s decision to withdraw from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of...

The International Criminal Court and Israel’s Acts in the Occupied Territories: Progress and Prospects
Following the request of Palestine as a Party State to the Status of the International Criminal...

Review Article

The Changing Contours of Saudi Arabia: Mohammed bin Salman and the Paradox of Saudi Reforms
This review article aims to provide broader nuances about Saudi Arabia amid the rapid developments taking place in the Middle East in general and Saudi Arabia in particular, following the rise of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS). This article begins with Salman’s Legacy, edited by Madawi al-Rasheed, and subsequently, takes up Madawi al-Rasheed’s The Son King and Ben Hubbard’s biography of MBS. It provides a brief summary of the books under review and analyzes their different themes while critically examining their prevailing shortcomings.

Book Reviews

Precarious Hope: Migration and the Limits of Belonging in Turkey
Precarious Hope by Ayşe Parla is the outcome of fieldwork that Parla conducted over years with...

Brexit and Internal Security: Political and Legal Concerns on the Future UK-EU Relationship
In conclusion, Brexit and Internal Security is a comprehensive and objective analysis that fills...

The United States and Military Coups in Turkey and Pakistan: Between Conspiracy and Reality
The United States and Military Coups in Turkey and Pakistan delivers a profound analysis of the...

Russia and the Media: The Makings of a New Cold War
Russia and the Media is a well-rounded source of analysis. Referring to so many media sources...

Cinema and the Cultural Cold War: US Diplomacy and the Origins of the Asian Cinema Network
In Cinema and the Cultural Cold War, the U.S. cultural diplomacy in Asia during the Cold War is...

Migration and the Refugee Dissensus in Europe: Borders, Security, and Austerity
Migration and the Refugee Dissensus in Europe: Borders, Security, and Austerity’s contribution is...

Europe at the Crossroads: Confronting Populist, Nationalist, and Global Challenges
Europe at the Crossroads is useful for readers interested in populism and the transformations and...

Syria: The Tragedy of a Pivotal State
Syria: The Tragedy of a Pivotal State, written by Rajendra M. Abhyankar, seeks to provide readers...

Sensible Politics: Visualizing International Relations
Sensible Politics is an excellent read for anyone trying to understand changing international...

The Economics of the Middle East: A Comparative Approach
Rauch’s book contributes to the literature on the Middle East’s economics from a broad...


Web Panel | Recent Developments in the Gulf and the Region
Following the publication of the Summer 2021 special issue “Regional Developments and Challenges,” Insight Turkey coordinated a panel where distinguished participants shared their views, to discuss the latest developments in the energy context in the Gulf and the Eastern Mediterranean. The panel, which was held online due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, was broadcast live on YouTube and other social media platforms.

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