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Insight Turkey > Issues | Türkiye at the Crossroads - Winter 2023 / Volume 25, Number 1

Türkiye at the Crossroads

Editor's Note

Editor's Note | Winter 2023
As Türkiye is on the eve on one of the most important elections in its history, this issue of Insight Turkey addresses some of the issues that have been dominating the political agenda lately. Through this issue, we hope to provide our readers with a thorough analysis and the necessary foundations for a better understanding of some of the main issues that will influence the outcome of the May 14 elections.


F-35 Crisis between the U.S. and Türkiye: Is This the End of American Nuclear Assurance for Türkiye?
This article analyzes the possible consequences of the F-35 fighter crisis between the U.S. and...

Türkiye's Middle Corridor and China's BRI: Identification and Assessment
China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Türkiye’s Middle Corridor (MC) are two ambitious...

Insights into Türkiye’s Technology Development Journey
Türkiye, an emerging economy, has been attempting to improve its socioeconomic strength through...

Strategic Communication and Policies of Türkiye
Since the establishment of the Republic, Türkiye has systematically conducted communication...

Truth Is a Human Right: Türkiye’s Stance on the Fight against Disinformation
We are experiencing the rise of unprecedented opportunities as a result of the digital...


Endless EU Facilitated - Mediated Dialogue Between Kosovo and Serbia
The dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia facilitated and mediated by the EU and strong U.S. support...

Religion, Armed Conflict and the Quest for “Secular”: Mapping Martyrdom in Kashmir
Religion is bivalent. It can be argued that religion is an instrument of peace and equivocally...

Israel’s COVID-19 Diplomacy in Sub-Saharan Africa and Central Europe
Israel’s aid initiatives have historically been facilitated through the Agency for International...

Syrian Women in the Turkish Labor Market: Understanding Their Labor Supply Behavior
This study explores the various dynamics that Syrian women under temporary protection in Türkiye...

Reclaiming the Umma from the Margins: The Case of Türkiye’s HÜDA-PAR
This paper investigates the relationship between an ethnic Muslim minority identity and...

Key Issues in Turkish Politics Before the 2023 Elections
In 2023, Türkiye will celebrate the centennial of the establishment of the republic and will also...

Review Article

Hamas: Isolated, Contained, But Not Co-opted?
Hamas was not only besieged in Gaza but also politically isolated and delegitimized. This isolation has paved the way for Hamas’s rule in Gaza to develop more organically, as Brenner’s details in his book. Hamas utilized formal and informal governing mechanisms, blurring the boundaries between its partisan politics and the governing of Gaza, thereby falling into the same trap of Fatah, which embodied the PLO, and later the Palestinian Authority (PA). The logic of power consolidation that Hamas followed in Gaza, and its commitment to govern and provide services to almost two million Palestinians under blockade, force Hamas to become more pragmatic and less spoiling in its regional politics (as in the case of its policy towards Egypt), as well as in its encounters with Israel. Hamas became more careful in maintaining ceasefires, and willing to sell ‘stability’ as political good; Baconi brilliantly unpacks these dynamics.

Book Reviews

The Rise of Blockchains: Disrupting Economies and Transforming Societies
Blockchain is a relatively new technology and has its own weaknesses. DeFi, or decentralized...

Russia’s 2022 War against Ukraine and the Foreign Policy Reaction of the EU: Context, Diplomacy, and Law
The most interesting aspect of the book is that it was published a short time after the start of...

Everyday Boundaries, Borders, and Post-Conflict Societies
Throughout the book, Summa demonstrates a healthy contrarian streak. She tries to make a less...

How ISIS Fights?: Military Tactics in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Egypt
How ISIS Fights provides a satisfying explanation for ISIS’ expansion and endurance in different...

The Middle East from Empire to Sealed Identities
An equally problematic aspect of the book is its mere focus on the 19th century to explore the...

Fraternal Enemies: Israel and the Gulf Monarchies
Fraternal Enemies: Israel and The Gulf Monarchies can be a useful book for anyone interested in...

Promised Lands: The British and the Ottoman Middle East
Promised Land is an exhaustive work that focuses on the often neglected early British encounter...

Imperial Resilience: The Great War’s End, Ottoman Longevity, and Incidental Nations
One of the ultimate matters the book makes the reader reconsider is that one cannot think of the...

EU-Turkey Relations: A New Direction for EU Foreign Policy?
This book, which analyzes the EU’s foreign policy between the years 2014-2019 and its relations...

Turkey between the United States and Russia: Surfing on the Edge
Turkey between the United States and Russia distinguishes itself from other studies in the...

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