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Insight Turkey > Issues | Asia Anew Revisited - Winter 2024 / Volume 26, Number 1

Asia Anew Revisited

Editor's Note

Editor's Note | Winter 2024
This latest special edition of Insight Turkey meticulously explores the evolving dynamics of Türkiye’s engagement with East Asia under the ambit of the Asia Anew Initiative. This edition is distinguished by a series of foundational articles that provide a thorough overview of the initiative, alongside in-depth analyses of Türkiye’s bilateral relationships with key Asian nations. We trust that the comprehensive discussions and diverse perspectives presented in this issue will offer our readers valuable insights and deepen their understanding of the intricate geopolitical landscape.


Japan: The Super Nation Brand
This study explores Japan’s national brand evolution, analyzing the shift from its historical...

Military Power and International Security
In an article published by the author in Insight Turkey, the impact of economic power on...

Palestinian Political Prisoners in Israeli Jails: Stories of Resistance
The Palestinian cause was brought one more time to the agenda of global politics after the Gaza...

The Historic Bond: The South African Liberation Movement and the Palestinian Struggle
In today’s world, we are witnessing one of the gravest crises humanity has faced: the ongoing...

Asia Anew Initiative: Main Aspects of Türkiye’s Asia Opening
The center of gravity in the world has shifted from the Atlantic to Asia over the last decade....


The Ukraine War: Impacts on the International System and Türkiye
This article argues that the Ukraine war is the first major conflict since the end of the Cold...

Procedures for the Acquisition of Citizenship in the Republic of Kosovo
The Republic of Kosovo is a parliamentary republic that declared its independence on February 17,...

Structural Shift in Türkiye-East Asia Economic Relations: The Demise of Japan and the Rise of China and South Korea
Türkiye’s economic relations with East Asia have gone through a significant structural shift over...

The Intersection between Diplomatic Security and Cooperation: South Korea’s Veteran Diplomacy toward Türkiye
The article attempts to probe veteran diplomacy with the case of Türkiye and adopts its meaning...

From Ottoman Outreach to Modern Connections: Türkiye-Malaysia Relations
Southeast Asia was known to the classical Islamic world as a region of trade and burgeoning local...

Toward Building a Deeper Relationship between Türkiye and Japan for the Next 100 Years
The year 2024 marks the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between...

Türkiye-India Relations in the 21st Century: Progress, Challenges, and Prospects
This study analyzes the multifaceted dynamics of Türkiye-India relations from 2000 to 2023,...

Türkiye’s “-lateralisms” in Asia: A Multi-Vectorial Analysis
This study aims to illustrate that multi-vectorial approaches in foreign policy could not only be...

Review Article

Exploring Climate Migration and Environmental Security: Türkiye to America and Beyond
Since all three books were published in 2023, they are foremost among the works that will be useful for those interested in this topic, as they are up-to-date and address current issues on the relationship between climate change, forced migration, and environmental security. Many studies conducted around the world reveal that the effects of climate change will become much more visible both in the world and in Türkiye, especially in the next decade, and that the lives of millions of people will be directly negatively affected. For this reason, it is important to conduct qualitative and quantitative studies on what awaits Türkiye in terms of climate-related risks, especially in terms of migration.

Book Reviews

History of South Africa: From 1902 to the Present
History of South Africa: From 1902 to the Present, is a work that appeals not only to academics...

Islamic Finance in Africa: The Prospects for Sustainable Development
This book holds a distinctive position within the limited field of Islamic finance studies in...

Armies of Sand: The Past, Present, and Future of Arab Military Effectiveness
Pollack’s Armies of Sand provides important insights about the wars and Arab armies in the Middle...

Water and Conflict in the Middle East
Water and Conflict in the Middle East have made several contributions to the literature on the...

Political Economy of Palestine: Critical, Interdisciplinary, and Decolonial Perspectives
This book significantly contributes to understanding economic issues from a global perspective,...

The Declassification Engine: What History Reveals about America’s Top Secrets
A gripping book, The Declassification Engine: What History Reveals About America’s Top Secrets...

Strategic Uses of Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict: Interest and Identity in Russia and the Post-Soviet Space
This book provides a quite satisfying overview of the use of nationalism as a tool for gaining...

South Korea’s Middle Power Diplomacy in the Middle East
The book aims both to reveal the political, economic, and institutional nexus in foreign policy...

Why Bharat Matters
Why Bharat Matters offers a comprehensive overview of India’s foreign policy strategies and their...

China and the Indo-Pacific: Maneuvers and Manifestations
China and the Indo-Pacific: Maneuvers and Manifestations is the volume that provides the readers...

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