Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Editor's Note Spring 2024

Editor's Note | Spring 2024

Editor's Notes

This issue of Insight Turkey offers a thorough examination of the current state of Middle Eastern politics, exploring the characteristics,...

Key Challenges Facing the Eastern Mediterranean The Future of Regional

Key Challenges Facing the Eastern Mediterranean: The Future of Regional Energy Development


This article provides a critical overview of the key commercial, technical, legal, and political challenges the Eastern Mediterranean region faces...

The Logic Beyond Lausanne A Geopolitical Perspective on the Congruence

The Logic Beyond Lausanne: A Geopolitical Perspective on the Congruence between Turkey’s New Hard Power and its Strategic Reorientation


Turkey’s new expeditionary capability, resting on enhanced naval capacity and new forward bases, is the logical result of Turkey’s post-Cold War...

Turkey s Relations and Energy Cooperation with the BSEC

Turkey’s Relations and Energy Cooperation with the BSEC


Turkey is conducting an increasingly active energy diplomacy and in order to understand the role and strategies of Ankara in energy geopolitics, it...

Militarization and Securitization in Africa The Role of Sino-American Geostrategic

Militarization and Securitization in Africa: The Role of Sino-American Geostrategic Presence


This article is predicated on the argument that the African continent has become a focus of geopolitical and economic attention, especially as a...

Guest Editor's Note Winter 2019

Guest Editor's Note | Winter 2019

Editor's Notes

Africa has often been the focus of contradictory attention that has oscillated between the labels of a physical obstacle to travel between Europe...

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