Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Strategic Uses of Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict Interest and Identity

Strategic Uses of Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict: Interest and Identity in Russia and the Post-Soviet Space

Book Reviews

This book provides a quite satisfying overview of the use of nationalism as a tool for gaining power and interests in post-Soviet countries...

The Ukraine War Impacts on the International System and Türkiye

The Ukraine War: Impacts on the International System and Türkiye


This article argues that the Ukraine war is the first major conflict since the end of the Cold War to bring the two major nuclear powers, the U.S....

Israel s Fateful March From Settler Colonialism to Genocidal State

Israel’s Fateful March: From Settler Colonialism to Genocidal State


This article delves into the legal discussions surrounding the crisis unleashed by the military operation launched on October 7, 2023, in Southern...

Security Aspect of the Integration in Turkic World under the

Security Aspect of the Integration in Turkic World under the Organization of Turkic States


The Turkic states began their collaboration in 1992. Over time, this cooperation has grown deeper, resulting in the establishment of the...

The Organization of Turkic States and Postcolonialism in Central Asia

The Organization of Turkic States and Postcolonialism in Central Asia: Possible Contributions, Prospects, and Limitations


This paper explores the Organization of Turkic States’ (OTS) support in aiding Central Asian republics to address their historical legacies,...

Uzbek-Turkish Strategic Partnership in the Context of Geopolitical Turbulence in

Uzbek-Turkish Strategic Partnership in the Context of Geopolitical Turbulence in Central Asia


Central Asia has long captured the attention of global and regional powers due to its abundant natural resources, strategic location, potential for...

Russia after 2020 Looking ahead after Two Decades of Putin

Russia after 2020: Looking ahead after Two Decades of Putin

Book Reviews

As an editorial work, which makes it difficult for the book to be discussed as a whole, it can be emphasized, in some parts of the book, that the...

The Cyprus Conflict A Case for Joint Decision Trap

The Cyprus Conflict: A Case for ‘Joint Decision Trap’


This paper is about the current stage of the Cyprus conflict in the context of the recent developments in the Eastern Mediterranean. The energy...

The Nation Form in the Global Age Ethnographic Perspectives

The Nation Form in the Global Age: Ethnographic Perspectives

Book Reviews

The Nation Form in the Global Age: Ethnographic Perspectives propels us to imagine ourselves without nation-states or think beyond them. The volume...

Mapping the Genesis of the Abraham Accords Elite Preferences Rising

Mapping the Genesis of the Abraham Accords Elite Preferences, Rising Nationalism, and the Quest for Political Stability


The Abraham Accords have presented themselves as one of the most significant geopolitical developments in the Middle East in this decade. They...

Conflict in the Neo-Colonial Order in Africa The Case of

Conflict in the Neo-Colonial Order in Africa: The Case of Ethiopia-Tigray


This article analyzes the Tigray crisis in Ethiopia based on the policies of global and regional powers in the context of the African neo-colonial...

A Comparative Analysis of Turkish Foreign Policy on the Azerbaijan-Armenia

A Comparative Analysis of Turkish Foreign Policy on the Azerbaijan-Armenia Conflicts (1988-2020)


With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the relative stability that prevailed in the Caucasus region during the Cold War period dissolved into...

A Review of Three Approaches to the Eritrean Nation as

A Review of Three Approaches to the Eritrean Nation as a Case for Nation before Identity

Review Article

Despite the three books’ noted shortcomings, they all provide solid information on how Eritrean nationhood and identity began to form and mature...

Surveilling and Criminalizing Austrian Muslims The Case of Political Islam

Surveilling and Criminalizing Austrian Muslims: The Case of ‘Political Islam’


In this commentary, I deal with how the governing conservative Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) managed successfully to fundamentally reshape the...

Islamophobia Neoliberalism and the Muslim Other

Islamophobia, Neoliberalism, and the Muslim ‘Other’


Muslim communities have been racialized as ‘Other’ for over 1,400 years.1 The manner in which the figure of the Muslim has been invoked as a threat...

Contemporary Experiences of Islamophobia in Today s United Kingdom Findings

Contemporary Experiences of Islamophobia in Today’s United Kingdom: Findings from Ten Small-Scale Studies


In today’s the United Kingdom, Islamophobia is as contested as it is real. Challenging this contestation, this article presents findings from ten...

The Post-September 11 Rise of Islamophobia Identity and the Clash

The Post-September 11 Rise of Islamophobia: Identity and the ‘Clash of Civilizations’ in Europe and Latin America


Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Islamophobia exploded across ‘the West,’ but particularly in Europe. While Muslims were...

Veil and Burqa in the French Public Sphere A Feminist

Veil and Burqa in the French Public Sphere: A Feminist Analysis


The visibility of women and their freedoms in the French public sphere is envisaged in this article on the basis of laïcité and gender equality....

The End of Europe Dictators Demagogues and the Coming Dark

The End of Europe:Dictators, Demagogues, and the Coming Dark Age

Book Reviews

The End of Europe provides the reader with a comprehensive summary of several crises Europe faces today from democratic backsliding to widespread...

The State in North Africa After the Arab Uprisings

The State in North Africa: After the Arab Uprisings

Book Reviews

Overall, the book is a well-researched and very useful contribution to the debates about Arab politics after the uprisings. It could be of benefit...

Peace Negotiations Cannot Be Held Forever Breaking the Deadlock in

Peace Negotiations Cannot Be Held Forever: Breaking the Deadlock in the Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict


The Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict resolution process had experienced insurmountable deadlock due to the failure of the peace negotiations brokered by...

Guest Editor's Note Summer 2020

Guest Editor's Note | Summer 2020

Editor's Note

Through a wide range of articles and commentaries, this issue aims to bring to its readers a comprehensive framework on the transformation of...

Denktash in the South Normalization of Division in the Greek

Denktash in the South: Normalization of Division in the Greek Cypriot Side

Book Reviews

Discourses, even though they seem so different and opposing, can be quite similar and serve for the same purpose. Gregoris Ioannou’s book is a...

Turkey s Military Spending Trends A Reflection of Changes in

Turkey’s Military Spending Trends: A Reflection of Changes in Defense Policy


The existing body of research on defense spending contains two main theses that appear in the much-debated discourse of “guns versus butter.” The...

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