Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

The EU NATO and the Libya Conflict Anatomy of a

The EU, NATO, and the Libya Conflict: Anatomy of a Failure

Book Reviews

Marcuzzi’s work is both timely and essential, providing a critical examination of a conflict that has had implications for regional stability and...

Water and Conflict in the Middle East

Water and Conflict in the Middle East

Book Reviews

Water and Conflict in the Middle East have made several contributions to the literature on the hydropolitics of the Middle East. Firstly, it...

Military Power and International Security

Military Power and International Security


In an article published by the author in Insight Turkey, the impact of economic power on international security was discussed with a detailed...

Russia Rising Putin s Foreign Policy in the Middle East

Russia Rising: Putin’s Foreign Policy in the Middle East and North Africa

Book Reviews

Overall, the book under review provided fruitful discussions thanks to distinguished experts. It is helpful for policymakers and analysts to...

Humanitarian and Military Intervention in Libya and Syria Parliamentary Debate

Humanitarian and Military Intervention in Libya and Syria: Parliamentary Debate and Policy Failure

Book Reviews

The book sheds light on the political, strategic, and historical factors shaping the international response to interventions. Thus, it clearly...

The Cyprus Conflict A Case for Joint Decision Trap

The Cyprus Conflict: A Case for ‘Joint Decision Trap’


This paper is about the current stage of the Cyprus conflict in the context of the recent developments in the Eastern Mediterranean. The energy...

The Century of Türkiye A New Foreign Policy Vision for

The Century of Türkiye: A New Foreign Policy Vision for Building the Türkiye Axis


On the centenary of the Turkish Republic, President Erdoğan, who has been ruling Türkiye for the last two decades, has announced a new perspective...

Türkiye-Africa Relations A Case Study of Somalia Nigeria and Libya

Türkiye-Africa Relations: A Case Study of Somalia, Nigeria and Libya from Humanitarian and Security Perspectives


This paper explores Türkiye’s relations with Africa, focusing on Somalia, Nigeria and Libya from both humanitarian and security perspectives. To do...

The Fourth Ordeal A History of the Muslim Brotherhood in

The Fourth Ordeal: A History of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, 1968-2018

Book Reviews

The book tries to frame the current predicament the Muslim Brotherhood is experiencing within the internal conflict between two schools of thought:...

Dünya Enerji Trendleri Rezervler Kaynaklar ve Politikalar World Energy Trends

Dünya Enerji Trendleri: Rezervler, Kaynaklar ve Politikalar (World Energy Trends: Reserves, Resources and Policies)

Book Reviews

World Energy Trends presents a detailed analysis of the energy policies of significant regions. It can be considered a reference book that fills an...

Editor's Note Fall 2021

Editor's Note | Fall 2021

Editor's Notes

With one more year coming to an end, we are pleased to present to our readers yet another insightful issue of Insight Turkey that has attempted to...

Editor's Note Fall 2021

Editor's Note | Fall 2021

Editor's Notes

With one more year coming to an end, we are pleased to present to our readers yet another insightful issue of Insight Turkey that has attempted to...

Editor's Note Fall 2021

Editor's Note | Fall 2021

Editor's Notes

With one more year coming to an end, we are pleased to present to our readers yet another insightful issue of Insight Turkey that has attempted to...

The Changing Contours of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman and

The Changing Contours of Saudi Arabia: Mohammed bin Salman and the Paradox of Saudi Reforms

Review Article

This review article aims to provide broader nuances about Saudi Arabia amid the rapid developments taking place in the Middle East in general and...

Demystifying Qatar s Pro-Revolution Monarchy Old Rivalries New Geopolitical Motives

Demystifying Qatar’s Pro-Revolution Monarchy: Old Rivalries, New Geopolitical Motives


Unlike other Arab monarchies, Qatar has embraced a supportive position toward the Arab revolutions since the moment they broke out in late 2010. In...

A Decade Later Taking Stock of the Arab Uprisings and

A Decade Later: Taking Stock of the Arab Uprisings and Turkey’s Role


This article attempts to understand the outcomes of the crackdown on the Arab revolts and the lessons learned thereof. There is no doubt that the...

A Decade Later Taking Stock of the Arab Uprisings and

A Decade Later: Taking Stock of the Arab Uprisings and Turkey’s Role


This article attempts to understand the outcomes of the crackdown on the Arab revolts and the lessons learned thereof. There is no doubt that the...

A Decade Later Taking Stock of the Arab Uprisings and

A Decade Later: Taking Stock of the Arab Uprisings and Turkey’s Role


This article attempts to understand the outcomes of the crackdown on the Arab revolts and the lessons learned thereof. There is no doubt that the...

A Decade Later Taking Stock of the Arab Uprisings and

A Decade Later: Taking Stock of the Arab Uprisings and Turkey’s Role


This article attempts to understand the outcomes of the crackdown on the Arab revolts and the lessons learned thereof. There is no doubt that the...

Editor's Note Spring 2021

Editor's Note | Spring 2021

Editor's Notes

At a time when anti-Islam activities are resurging and the Muslim voices are kept down, this issue of Insight Turkey aims to present and to provide...

Editor's Note Spring 2021

Editor's Note | Spring 2021

Editor's Notes

At a time when anti-Islam activities are resurging and the Muslim voices are kept down, this issue of Insight Turkey aims to present and to provide...

Editor's Note Spring 2021

Editor's Note | Spring 2021

Editor's Notes

At a time when anti-Islam activities are resurging and the Muslim voices are kept down, this issue of Insight Turkey aims to present and to provide...

Key Challenges Facing the Eastern Mediterranean The Future of Regional

Key Challenges Facing the Eastern Mediterranean: The Future of Regional Energy Development


This article provides a critical overview of the key commercial, technical, legal, and political challenges the Eastern Mediterranean region faces...

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