Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Syrian Women in the Turkish Labor Market Understanding Their Labor

Syrian Women in the Turkish Labor Market: Understanding Their Labor Supply Behavior


This study explores the various dynamics that Syrian women under temporary protection in Türkiye encounter in the labor market. By conducting a...

Reclaiming the Umma from the Margins The Case of Türkiye

Reclaiming the Umma from the Margins: The Case of Türkiye’s HÜDA-PAR


This paper investigates the relationship between an ethnic Muslim minority identity and transnational Muslim solidarity through the case study of...

F-35 Crisis between the U S and Türkiye Is This

F-35 Crisis between the U.S. and Türkiye: Is This the End of American Nuclear Assurance for Türkiye?


This article analyzes the possible consequences of the F-35 fighter crisis between the U.S. and Türkiye, particularly in terms of its effect on the...

Promised Lands The British and the Ottoman Middle East

Promised Lands: The British and the Ottoman Middle East

Book Reviews

Promised Land is an exhaustive work that focuses on the often neglected early British encounter in the Middle East. Though the vast amount of...

Turkey between the United States and Russia Surfing on the

Turkey between the United States and Russia: Surfing on the Edge

Book Reviews

Turkey between the United States and Russia distinguishes itself from other studies in the literature by simultaneously considering tripartite...

Small State Foreign Policy in Central Asia The Cases of

Small State Foreign Policy in Central Asia: The Cases of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan


This article examines and compares the foreign policy preferences of three small states in Central Asia, namely Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and...

Turkish-Russian Relations Prospects and Challenges

Turkish-Russian Relations: Prospects and Challenges

Book Reviews

Although the book promises an exciting contribution to the literature on Turkish-Russian relations, it remains inadequate in fulfilling its aims...

Truths and Lies in the Middle East Memoirs of a

Truths and Lies in the Middle East: Memoirs of a Veteran Journalist, 1952-2012

Book Reviews

The New Map offers a detailed perspective on energy, geopolitics, great power competition, and the environment by connecting historical information...

Serbia and the War in Ukraine

Serbia and the War in Ukraine


The war in Ukraine has created a situation in which the Republic of Serbia may see an opportunity to take up some unfinished business; for this...

Digitalization of Governments during the Pandemic The Case of Türkiye

Digitalization of Governments during the Pandemic: The Case of Türkiye


This study questions how the increasing digitalization of public administrations has been affected by the pandemic process with the rising use of...

The Operational Capacity of Turkish Intelligence within the Scope of

The Operational Capacity of Turkish Intelligence within the Scope of Use of High-Technology Products


This study evaluates the increasing operational capacity of the Turkish National Intelligence Organization (Millî İstihbarat Teşkilatı, MİT) within...

The Proliferation of Combat Drones in Civil and Interstate Conflicts

The Proliferation of Combat Drones in Civil and Interstate Conflicts: The Case of Türkiye and Azerbaijan


Recent developments in conflict zones show the proliferation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) or combat drones and how they transform and shape...

Türkiye and the Future of Normalization in the Middle East

Türkiye and the Future of Normalization in the Middle East


Following the Arab Spring, all the nations in the Middle East started to pursue a phase of regional softness after a protracted era of strife and...

Dünya Enerji Trendleri Rezervler Kaynaklar ve Politikalar World Energy Trends

Dünya Enerji Trendleri: Rezervler, Kaynaklar ve Politikalar (World Energy Trends: Reserves, Resources and Policies)

Book Reviews

World Energy Trends presents a detailed analysis of the energy policies of significant regions. It can be considered a reference book that fills an...

Dünya Enerji Trendleri Rezervler Kaynaklar ve Politikalar World Energy Trends

Dünya Enerji Trendleri: Rezervler, Kaynaklar ve Politikalar (World Energy Trends: Reserves, Resources and Policies)

Book Reviews

World Energy Trends presents a detailed analysis of the energy policies of significant regions. It can be considered a reference book that fills an...

Turkey s Electoral Geography Trends Behaviors and Identities

Turkey’s Electoral Geography: Trends, Behaviors and Identities

Book Reviews

The most important contribution of Turkey’s Electoral Geography is that it covers not only elections but also a variety of understudied topics such...

Understanding Eurasia in Multiple Perspectives

Understanding Eurasia in Multiple Perspectives

Review Article

The three works reviewed in this article address Eurasia in different periods and different areas of concentration. Each one provides valuable...

Understanding Eurasia in Multiple Perspectives

Understanding Eurasia in Multiple Perspectives

Review Article

The three works reviewed in this article address Eurasia in different periods and different areas of concentration. Each one provides valuable...

Understanding Eurasia in Multiple Perspectives

Understanding Eurasia in Multiple Perspectives

Review Article

The three works reviewed in this article address Eurasia in different periods and different areas of concentration. Each one provides valuable...

Understanding Eurasia in Multiple Perspectives

Understanding Eurasia in Multiple Perspectives

Review Article

The three works reviewed in this article address Eurasia in different periods and different areas of concentration. Each one provides valuable...

Understanding Eurasia in Multiple Perspectives

Understanding Eurasia in Multiple Perspectives

Review Article

The three works reviewed in this article address Eurasia in different periods and different areas of concentration. Each one provides valuable...

Understanding Eurasia in Multiple Perspectives

Understanding Eurasia in Multiple Perspectives

Review Article

The three works reviewed in this article address Eurasia in different periods and different areas of concentration. Each one provides valuable...

Understanding Eurasia in Multiple Perspectives

Understanding Eurasia in Multiple Perspectives

Review Article

The three works reviewed in this article address Eurasia in different periods and different areas of concentration. Each one provides valuable...

Understanding Eurasia in Multiple Perspectives

Understanding Eurasia in Multiple Perspectives

Review Article

The three works reviewed in this article address Eurasia in different periods and different areas of concentration. Each one provides valuable...

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