Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

War as the True Adversary and Türkiye s Pivotal Role

War as the True Adversary and Türkiye’s Pivotal Role in Forging Peace


The central thesis of this article depends on deterrence theory and posits that nuclear war, rather than any specific nation or faction,...

The Second Trump Administration and Its Implications to the Global

The Second Trump Administration and Its Implications to the Global Order


The prospect of a second Trump term has reignited global apprehensions, sparking renewed debates about the future trajectory of U.S. foreign policy...

Russia s War against Ukraine

Russia’s War against Ukraine

Book Reviews

Gwendolyn Sasse’s Russia’s War against Ukraine provides a concise yet clear and comprehensive overview of the lead-up to the current state of war...

Ukraine and Russia From Civilized Divorce to Uncivil War

Ukraine and Russia: From Civilized Divorce to Uncivil War

Book Reviews

D’Anieri emphasizes that a traditional problem in international politics and the new one in the post-Cold War era linked the Russia-Ukraine...

Strategic Uses of Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict Interest and Identity

Strategic Uses of Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict: Interest and Identity in Russia and the Post-Soviet Space

Book Reviews

This book provides a quite satisfying overview of the use of nationalism as a tool for gaining power and interests in post-Soviet countries...

The Ukraine War Impacts on the International System and Türkiye

The Ukraine War: Impacts on the International System and Türkiye


This article argues that the Ukraine war is the first major conflict since the end of the Cold War to bring the two major nuclear powers, the U.S....

Russia in Africa Resurgent Great Power or Bellicose Pretender

Russia in Africa: Resurgent Great Power or Bellicose Pretender?

Book Reviews

This well-researched book offers an in-depth examination of Moscow’s activities on the continent. Similarly, it gives helpful insights into the...

Russia Rising Putin s Foreign Policy in the Middle East

Russia Rising: Putin’s Foreign Policy in the Middle East and North Africa

Book Reviews

Overall, the book under review provided fruitful discussions thanks to distinguished experts. It is helpful for policymakers and analysts to...

The Role of Energy in Türkiye-Russia Relations A View from

The Role of Energy in Türkiye-Russia Relations: A View from the Perspective of Mutual Dependence


Policies focusing on strategic energy resources play a key role in achieving certain goals of states by integrating them with other areas....

The Paradoxical Role of Mediators in the Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict Prospects

The Paradoxical Role of Mediators in the Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict: Prospects and Concerns


This paper explores the underlying factors that pushed Russia, the European Union (EU), Türkiye, and somehow the U.S. to offer mediation to settle...

Russia after 2020 Looking ahead after Two Decades of Putin

Russia after 2020: Looking ahead after Two Decades of Putin

Book Reviews

As an editorial work, which makes it difficult for the book to be discussed as a whole, it can be emphasized, in some parts of the book, that the...

Turkey-Russia Relations in the Twenty-First Century Cooperation and Competition amid

Turkey-Russia Relations in the Twenty-First Century: Cooperation and Competition amid Systemic Turbulence

Book Reviews

The book is an important reference for any researcher looking into the relations between Türkiye and Russia, and also to understand both countries’...

Empires of Eurasia How Imperial Legacies Shape International Security

Empires of Eurasia: How Imperial Legacies Shape International Security

Book Reviews

There are some criticisms, which should be considered, about the book. The most important shortcoming is about the imperial legacy that Türkiye has...

The Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War on Türkiye's Foreign Trade

The Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War on Türkiye's Foreign Trade


This article analyzes the impact of Russia’s February 24, 2022 invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing war on Türkiye’s foreign trade. Türkiye’s shared...

Potential Alternatives in the Changing World Order

Potential Alternatives in the Changing World Order

Review Article

Discussions on monopolar and multipolar world order started after the Cold War. World order may generally categorize global norms that support...

A Comparative Analysis of Turkish Foreign Policy on the Azerbaijan-Armenia

A Comparative Analysis of Turkish Foreign Policy on the Azerbaijan-Armenia Conflicts (1988-2020)


With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the relative stability that prevailed in the Caucasus region during the Cold War period dissolved into...

Russia s 2022 War against Ukraine and the Foreign Policy

Russia’s 2022 War against Ukraine and the Foreign Policy Reaction of the EU: Context, Diplomacy, and Law

Book Reviews

The most interesting aspect of the book is that it was published a short time after the start of the war in February 2022. This is a normal case...

F-35 Crisis between the U S and Türkiye Is This

F-35 Crisis between the U.S. and Türkiye: Is This the End of American Nuclear Assurance for Türkiye?


This article analyzes the possible consequences of the F-35 fighter crisis between the U.S. and Türkiye, particularly in terms of its effect on the...

Will the Rise of China Transform the International System

Will the Rise of China Transform the International System?


In this article, the rise of China is discussed in the light of economic and military data, and what the challenge from China means for the global...

Editor's Note Fall 2021

Editor's Note | Fall 2021

Editor's Note

With one more year coming to an end, we are pleased to present to our readers yet another insightful issue of Insight Turkey that has attempted to...

EU Values and Interests in the Resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

EU Values and Interests in the Resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: French Unilateralism


The commentary looks at the stance of France on the Second Karabakh war between Armenia and Azerbaijan and subsequently the Russian-brokered...

The Question of State-Sponsored Terrorism Investigation of ASALA and JCAG

The Question of State-Sponsored Terrorism: Investigation of ASALA and JCAG in the Light of Available CIA Documents


After a careful investigation of available archival documents of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the U.S. State Department, this paper...

TurkStream as Russia s Last Step in Diversification A Win-Win

TurkStream as Russia’s Last Step in Diversification: A Win-Win Approach


This article discusses why Russia replaced the South Stream project with the TurkStream by changing its route and name, and why Turkey is involved...

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