Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

The Political Outsider Indian Democracy and the Lineages of Populism

The Political Outsider: Indian Democracy and the Lineages of Populism

Book Reviews

Populist movements in various countries, including India, the United States, Türkiye, Spain, and Brazil, mark a new direction in studying political...

Rethinking Peacebuilding in Afghanistan A Post-Structuralist Approach

Rethinking Peacebuilding in Afghanistan: A Post-Structuralist Approach


This paper examines the “liberal peace” paradigm and its associated peacebuilding methodological approach, identifying significant roadblocks...

Navigating Geopolitical Corridors India-Iran s Aspirations in Central Asia under

Navigating Geopolitical Corridors: India-Iran’s Aspirations in Central Asia under the U.S. Pressure


The quest for expanding influence in Central Asia has long been a pursuit for India and Iran, driven by historical, cultural, economic, and...

Why Bharat Matters

Why Bharat Matters

Book Reviews

Why Bharat Matters offers a comprehensive overview of India’s foreign policy strategies and their implications for its future role. The book is a...

Editor's Note Winter 2024

Editor's Note | Winter 2024

Editor's Note

This latest special edition of Insight Turkey meticulously explores the evolving dynamics of Türkiye’s engagement with East Asia under the ambit of...

Türkiye-India Relations in the 21st Century Progress Challenges and Prospects

Türkiye-India Relations in the 21st Century: Progress, Challenges, and Prospects


This study analyzes the multifaceted dynamics of Türkiye-India relations from 2000 to 2023, exploring their bilateral interactions across...

Türkiye-India Relations in the 21st Century Progress Challenges and Prospects

Türkiye-India Relations in the 21st Century: Progress, Challenges, and Prospects


This study analyzes the multifaceted dynamics of Türkiye-India relations from 2000 to 2023, exploring their bilateral interactions across...

Türkiye-India Relations in the 21st Century Progress Challenges and Prospects

Türkiye-India Relations in the 21st Century: Progress, Challenges, and Prospects


This study analyzes the multifaceted dynamics of Türkiye-India relations from 2000 to 2023, exploring their bilateral interactions across...

Türkiye s -lateralisms in Asia A Multi-Vectorial Analysis

Türkiye’s “-lateralisms” in Asia: A Multi-Vectorial Analysis


This study aims to illustrate that multi-vectorial approaches in foreign policy could not only be practical but also productive for middle powers....

Ordering Violence Explaining Armed Group-State Relations from Conflict to Cooperation

Ordering Violence: Explaining Armed Group-State Relations from Conflict to Cooperation

Book Reviews

Overall, this book presents a holistic and comprehensive perspective of armed orders in South Asia from a historical perspective. The book has a...

Ordering Violence Explaining Armed Group-State Relations from Conflict to Cooperation

Ordering Violence: Explaining Armed Group-State Relations from Conflict to Cooperation

Book Reviews

Overall, this book presents a holistic and comprehensive perspective of armed orders in South Asia from a historical perspective. The book has a...

Ordering Violence Explaining Armed Group-State Relations from Conflict to Cooperation

Ordering Violence: Explaining Armed Group-State Relations from Conflict to Cooperation

Book Reviews

Overall, this book presents a holistic and comprehensive perspective of armed orders in South Asia from a historical perspective. The book has a...

Ordering Violence Explaining Armed Group-State Relations from Conflict to Cooperation

Ordering Violence: Explaining Armed Group-State Relations from Conflict to Cooperation

Book Reviews

Overall, this book presents a holistic and comprehensive perspective of armed orders in South Asia from a historical perspective. The book has a...

Myanmar s Rohingya Genocide Identity History and Hate Speech

Myanmar’s Rohingya Genocide: Identity, History and Hate Speech

Book Reviews

The book covers human rights violations, which the author describes as genocide, experienced by the Rohingya people; the Myanmar ruler’s view of...

Myanmar s Rohingya Genocide Identity History and Hate Speech

Myanmar’s Rohingya Genocide: Identity, History and Hate Speech

Book Reviews

The book covers human rights violations, which the author describes as genocide, experienced by the Rohingya people; the Myanmar ruler’s view of...

The Nation Form in the Global Age Ethnographic Perspectives

The Nation Form in the Global Age: Ethnographic Perspectives

Book Reviews

The Nation Form in the Global Age: Ethnographic Perspectives propels us to imagine ourselves without nation-states or think beyond them. The volume...

Religion Armed Conflict and the Quest for Secular Mapping Martyrdom

Religion, Armed Conflict and the Quest for “Secular”: Mapping Martyrdom in Kashmir


Religion is bivalent. It can be argued that religion is an instrument of peace and equivocally the role of religion in conflicts can be voiced as...

China s Economic and Political Presence in the Middle East

China’s Economic and Political Presence in the Middle East and South Asia

Book Reviews

This book presents a holistic perspective of China’s presence in the discussed countries. Even readers unfamiliar with Chinese foreign policy and...

Sea Change Ottoman Textiles between the Mediterranean and the Indian

Sea Change: Ottoman Textiles between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean

Book Reviews

Sea Change is a deeply researched book full of information on textile production and consumption in the Ottoman Empire from 1400-1800. For the...

Negotiating Survival Civilian-Insurgent Relations in Afghanistan

Negotiating Survival: Civilian-Insurgent Relations in Afghanistan

Book Reviews

Despite this analytical weakness, Negotiating Survival offers readers a brilliant glimpse into the realities on the ground and the considerations...

Turkish History and Culture in India Identity Art and Transregional

Turkish History and Culture in India: Identity, Art, and Transregional Connections

Book Reviews

Turkish History and Culture in India can be understood as having erred on the side of global history, rather than choosing a very definite range of...

Understanding Eurasia in Multiple Perspectives

Understanding Eurasia in Multiple Perspectives

Review Article

The three works reviewed in this article address Eurasia in different periods and different areas of concentration. Each one provides valuable...

Will the Rise of China Transform the International System

Will the Rise of China Transform the International System?


In this article, the rise of China is discussed in the light of economic and military data, and what the challenge from China means for the global...

Turkey s Grand Strategy and the Great Powers

Turkey’s Grand Strategy and the Great Powers


How compatible is Turkey’s grand strategy with the grand strategies of global great powers? This article briefly summarizes principles of Turkish...

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