Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Islam in the Balkans Globalization Europeanization Localization

Islam in the Balkans: Globalization, Europeanization, Localization

Review Article

The study of European Islam is now experiencing an unprecedented revival. While most of its attention is dedicated to Islam as a minority in...

Islam in the Balkans Globalization Europeanization Localization

Islam in the Balkans: Globalization, Europeanization, Localization

Review Article

The study of European Islam is now experiencing an unprecedented revival. While most of its attention is dedicated to Islam as a minority in...

Islam in the Balkans Globalization Europeanization Localization

Islam in the Balkans: Globalization, Europeanization, Localization

Review Article

The study of European Islam is now experiencing an unprecedented revival. While most of its attention is dedicated to Islam as a minority in...

Islam in the Balkans Globalization Europeanization Localization

Islam in the Balkans: Globalization, Europeanization, Localization

Review Article

The study of European Islam is now experiencing an unprecedented revival. While most of its attention is dedicated to Islam as a minority in...

Islam in the Balkans Globalization Europeanization Localization

Islam in the Balkans: Globalization, Europeanization, Localization

Review Article

The study of European Islam is now experiencing an unprecedented revival. While most of its attention is dedicated to Islam as a minority in...

Toward a Privileged Partnership The EU Turkey and the Upgrade

Toward a “Privileged Partnership”: The EU, Turkey and the Upgrade of the Customs Union


Over the past few years, Turkey’s EU membership prospects have further deteriorated amid intensive political crisis between Brussels and Ankara....

Toward a Privileged Partnership The EU Turkey and the Upgrade

Toward a “Privileged Partnership”: The EU, Turkey and the Upgrade of the Customs Union


Over the past few years, Turkey’s EU membership prospects have further deteriorated amid intensive political crisis between Brussels and Ankara....

Toward a Privileged Partnership The EU Turkey and the Upgrade

Toward a “Privileged Partnership”: The EU, Turkey and the Upgrade of the Customs Union


Over the past few years, Turkey’s EU membership prospects have further deteriorated amid intensive political crisis between Brussels and Ankara....

Transatlantic Relations in the Age of Donald Trump

Transatlantic Relations in the Age of Donald Trump


While the future of the transatlantic relations has been a serious question of concern since the end of the Cold War, the institutionalized...

The European Union and the Mainstreaming of the Radical Right

The European Union and the Mainstreaming of the Radical Right


Radical right wing parties have been increasingly effective in challenging and eroding this consensus, using a redemptive sovereigntist platform to...

The Secular Foreign Fighters of the West in Syria

The Secular Foreign Fighters of the West in Syria


The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) operates under the names of the Democratic Union Party and the People’s Protection Units in Syria. The PKK is...

The Secular Foreign Fighters of the West in Syria

The Secular Foreign Fighters of the West in Syria


The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) operates under the names of the Democratic Union Party and the People’s Protection Units in Syria. The PKK is...

Turkey-EU Customs Union Its Modernization and Potential for Turkey-EU Relations

Turkey-EU Customs Union: Its Modernization and Potential for Turkey-EU Relations


The customs union is still one of the most concrete outcomes of Turkey’s gradual integration to the EU. However, due to changes in world trade, EU...

Virtual Neighbors Russia and the EU in Cyberspace

Virtual Neighbors: Russia and the EU in Cyberspace


The last decade has witnessed the consolidation of the European Union as a cybersecurity actor. Many of these developments have, directly or...

Engineering a European Islam An Analysis of Attempts to Domesticate

Engineering a European Islam: An Analysis of Attempts to Domesticate European Muslims in Austria, France, and Germany


Today, a number of European states’ policies on religion aim at creating a nationalized Islam. In many Western European countries, the Ministries...

Germany and the European Union Post-Brexit Hegemon

Germany and the European Union: Post-Brexit Hegemon


In late-March 2019 the United Kingdom is scheduled to leave the European Union. Will Brexit lead to Germany becoming the EU’s hegemon? The...

Germany and the European Union Post-Brexit Hegemon

Germany and the European Union: Post-Brexit Hegemon


In late-March 2019 the United Kingdom is scheduled to leave the European Union. Will Brexit lead to Germany becoming the EU’s hegemon? The...

Missile Defense in Europe Against Whom

Missile Defense in Europe: Against Whom?


ABSTRACT This article debates the evolution, main purpose and real target of the missile defense system of NATO, entitled the EPAA, focusing on...

Missile Defense in Europe Against Whom

Missile Defense in Europe: Against Whom?


ABSTRACT This article debates the evolution, main purpose and real target of the missile defense system of NATO, entitled the EPAA, focusing on...

The European Union Dilemma of the Kurds High Support for

The European Union Dilemma of the Kurds: High Support for Membership despite Lack of Sufficient Trust


How people in member and candidate states are oriented toward the European Union –meaning, how well they know and how they evaluate the EU– is...

Imposing Particular Identities The Balkans as a Meeting Place of

Imposing Particular Identities: The Balkans as a Meeting Place of Ethnicities and Religions


Since Balkan ethnicities are primarily organized along locally-practiced religious lines, regional monotheistic religions are seen as the source of...

Imposing Particular Identities The Balkans as a Meeting Place of

Imposing Particular Identities: The Balkans as a Meeting Place of Ethnicities and Religions


Since Balkan ethnicities are primarily organized along locally-practiced religious lines, regional monotheistic religions are seen as the source of...

Imposing Particular Identities The Balkans as a Meeting Place of

Imposing Particular Identities: The Balkans as a Meeting Place of Ethnicities and Religions


Since Balkan ethnicities are primarily organized along locally-practiced religious lines, regional monotheistic religions are seen as the source of...

Imposing Particular Identities The Balkans as a Meeting Place of

Imposing Particular Identities: The Balkans as a Meeting Place of Ethnicities and Religions


Since Balkan ethnicities are primarily organized along locally-practiced religious lines, regional monotheistic religions are seen as the source of...

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