Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Islam Beyond Borders The Umma in World Politics

Islam Beyond Borders: The Umma in World Politics

Book Reviews

With different meanings attached and without an overarching formal institution, the umma has nevertheless maintained strong symbolic, normative and...

Editor's Note Spring 2020

Editor's Note | Spring 2020

Editor's Notes

This issue of Insight Turkey aims to present the current situation of the Turkish-American relations and to provide to its readers with a general...

U S -Turkey Relations Endure Despite Crises

U.S.-Turkey Relations Endure Despite Crises


The U.S.-Turkey relationship has been tested through some of the most serious crises in recent years. The continuing strength of the relationship,...

Yemen in the International Security Agenda The Context of Tribalism

Yemen in the International Security Agenda: The Context of Tribalism, Sectarianism, and Intervention

Review Article

Yemen’s socio-political structure has a close connection with the tribes. Unlike the central and southern parts of the country, Yemen’s extreme...

State of Emergency Travels in a Troubled World

State of Emergency: Travels in a Troubled World

Book Reviews

The prologue of Navid Kermani’s travelogue describes an eclectic teahouse in Cairo, and what follows is, indeed, an eclectic collection of writings...

Turkey the U S Russia and the Syrian Civil War

Turkey, the U.S., Russia, and the Syrian Civil War


This commentary provides an analysis of the Turkey’s relations with the U.S. and Russia in the context of the Syrian civil war. Owing much to the...

A Three-level Analysis of Turkey s Crisis with the U

A Three-level Analysis of Turkey’s Crisis with the U.S.-led Order


Starting in 2013, Turkish-American relations have been undergoing one of the deepest and most alarming crises since the 1940s. Ankara, a NATO...

The Lost Spring U S Policy in the Middle East

The Lost Spring: U.S. Policy in the Middle East and Catastrophes to Avoid

Book Reviews

The book under review is a work by American-Lebanese scholar Walid Phares, who specializes in Middle East politics. He has worked in different...

Syria Burning A Short History of a Catastrophe

Syria Burning: A Short History of a Catastrophe

Book Reviews

Since the commencement of the Syrian uprising in March 2011, which would thereafter change the existent regional order in the Middle East, many...

The Crisis of the Liberal World Order and Turkey s

The Crisis of the Liberal World Order and Turkey’s Resistance


With the retreat of liberalism in the Western world and the US withdrawing on many global issues, the international system is undergoing serious...

What Is the Sharia

What Is the Sharia?

Book Reviews

Relevant to contemporary times when Sharia, generally referred to as Islamic law, has been associated with numerous negative connotations –ranging...

Amerikan Grand Stratejisi Obama nın Ortadoğu Mirası American Grand Strategy

Amerikan Grand Stratejisi: Obama’nın Ortadoğu Mirası [American Grand Strategy: Obama’s Middle East Legacy]

Book Reviews

Although many actors, from regional powers to global powers, engage in grand strategy practices, the concept of ‘grand strategy’ is most closely...

Great Delusion Liberal Dreams and International Realities

Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities

Book Reviews

A profound understanding of American foreign policy depends upon a thorough and a rigorous theoretical understanding of the ideology that...

The Great War in the Middle East

The Great War in the Middle East

Review Article

Inspired by the centenary of World War I (WWI), a plethora of history books have been released recently. This article reviews four of the latest...

TİKA s Soft Power Nation Branding in Turkish Foreign Policy

TİKA’s Soft Power: Nation Branding in Turkish Foreign Policy


Over the past fifteen years, nation branding has become a popular subject of study, and a formative enterprise in the creation of national...

The Secular Foreign Fighters of the West in Syria

The Secular Foreign Fighters of the West in Syria


The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) operates under the names of the Democratic Union Party and the People’s Protection Units in Syria. The PKK is...

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