Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Turkey s Role in the Reconstruction of Libya

Turkey’s Role in the Reconstruction of Libya


The relationship between Turkey and Libya is deeply rooted in common history and culture which provides strong foundations for a strategic...

Turkey s Libya Policy Achievements and Challenges

Turkey’s Libya Policy: Achievements and Challenges


Libya has been witnessing a long and destructive civil war since the fall of Qaddafi in 2011. While countries like the United Arab Emirates, Egypt...

Guest Editor's Note Summer 2020

Guest Editor's Note | Summer 2020

Editor's Notes

Through a wide range of articles and commentaries, this issue aims to bring to its readers a comprehensive framework on the transformation of...

Denktash in the South Normalization of Division in the Greek

Denktash in the South: Normalization of Division in the Greek Cypriot Side

Book Reviews

Discourses, even though they seem so different and opposing, can be quite similar and serve for the same purpose. Gregoris Ioannou’s book is a...

The War for Syria Regional and International Dimensions of the

The War for Syria: Regional and International Dimensions of the Syrian Uprising

Book Reviews

The civil war in Syria, now ongoing for 10 years, does not appear to be ending soon given the continuing conflicts among the domestic and global...

Turkey s Military Spending Trends A Reflection of Changes in

Turkey’s Military Spending Trends: A Reflection of Changes in Defense Policy


The existing body of research on defense spending contains two main theses that appear in the much-debated discourse of “guns versus butter.” The...

Between a Rock and a Hard Place How to Make

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: How to Make Sense of Turkey’s S-400 Choice?*


With the wrap-up of the S-400 deal with Russia in December 2017, critics argue that Turkey is caught between a rock and a hard place due to the...

Turkey s Burgeoning Defense Technological and Industrial Base and Expeditionary

Turkey’s Burgeoning Defense Technological and Industrial Base and Expeditionary Military Policy


As the incumbent Turkish administration strives to pursue more aspiring goals in foreign affairs, Turkeys military policy is fast developing in...

Deciphering Turkey s Assertive Military and Defense Strategy Objectives Pillars

Deciphering Turkey’s Assertive Military and Defense Strategy: Objectives, Pillars, and Implications*


This article argues that the change in Turkey’s defense and military strategy stems both from Turkey’s changing security landscape following the...

Transformation of the Turkish Defense Industry The Story and Rationale

Transformation of the Turkish Defense Industry: The Story and Rationale of the Great Rise


Tracing the evolution of the Turkish defense industry through five major periods of development, this article draws attention to crucial turning...

The Logic Beyond Lausanne A Geopolitical Perspective on the Congruence

The Logic Beyond Lausanne: A Geopolitical Perspective on the Congruence between Turkey’s New Hard Power and its Strategic Reorientation


Turkey’s new expeditionary capability, resting on enhanced naval capacity and new forward bases, is the logical result of Turkey’s post-Cold War...

Turkey s Management of COVID-19 Measures and Strategies of Health

Turkey’s Management of COVID-19: Measures and Strategies of Health Policies


Pandemics and related problems have been an important public health issue throughout history and will continue to be so in the future. Soon after...

Hagia Sophia Symbol of Peace and Diversity

Hagia Sophia: Symbol of Peace and Diversity


On July 10, 2020, the Council of State revoked a 1934 Cabinet decree that had turned Hagia Sophia into a museum, thereby paving the way to...

Turkey s Military and Defense Policies

Turkey’s Military and Defense Policies


In the post-9/11 era and now in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the meaning of security and the means of ensuring it have radically changed. As...

Social Media and Fake News in the Post-Truth Era The

Social Media and Fake News in the Post-Truth Era: The Manipulation of Politics in the Election Process*


This article focuses on how virtual social networks affect socio-political life. The main theme of the article is how social networks such as...

Editor's Note Spring 2020

Editor's Note | Spring 2020

Editor's Notes

This issue of Insight Turkey aims to present the current situation of the Turkish-American relations and to provide to its readers with a general...

The Future of Global Great Power Competition after the Coronavirus

The Future of Global Great Power Competition after the Coronavirus


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the domestic and foreign policy agendas of all countries have been turned upside down. The pandemic has brought new...

Calling for a Reset in Turkish-American Relations in the post-COVID

Calling for a Reset in Turkish-American Relations in the post-COVID International Order


Analysts emphasize that nothing will be the same after the pandemic and refer to the ‘new normal’ that is likely to prevail everywhere in the...

Russia s Gas Price Discount for Bulgaria The Problem of

Russia’s Gas Price Discount for Bulgaria: The Problem of Imperial Economic Projects


For a long time Moscow regarded gas line as the source of increasing revenue and the way to project its global influence. Moscow also believed that...

Turkey s Entrance to International Education The Case of Turkish

Turkey’s Entrance to International Education: The Case of Turkish Maarif Foundation


The Turkish Maarif Foundation (TMF) is the most recent state-led institution to promote Turkey’s cultural diplomacy and soft power. This commentary...

Rethinking Turkey-Iraq Relations The Dilemma of Partial Cooperation

Rethinking Turkey-Iraq Relations: The Dilemma of Partial Cooperation

Book Reviews

In Rethinking Turkey-Iraq Relations, Kumral explores the Saadabad Pact of 1937, the defense pact of 1955, the fall of the Pro-western Iraqi...

America and the Making of Modern Turkey Science Culture and

America and the Making of Modern Turkey: Science, Culture and Political Alliances

Book Reviews

America and the Making of Modern Turkey: Science, Culture and Political Alliances, explores the activities of American philanthropic organizations...

The Power of Law vs the Power of Arms The

The Power of Law vs. the Power of Arms: The Turkish Judiciary’s Test with the Coup


Thousands of judges and prosecutors in Turkey risked their lives to inquire into the activities of an armed group and defended the law against...

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