Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Israeli Persecution in Occupied Jerusalem Physical and Structural Violence Employed

Israeli Persecution in Occupied Jerusalem: Physical and Structural Violence Employed to Change Jerusalemites’ Identity


Israeli authorities have committed a wide range of human rights violations, including direct violence, land annexation and settlement building,...

Editor's Note Summer 2021

Editor's Note | Summer 2021

Editor's Note

The summer issue of Insight Turkey aims to highlight the recent developments and challenges in the Middle East by taking into consideration the...

A Decade Later Taking Stock of the Arab Uprisings and

A Decade Later: Taking Stock of the Arab Uprisings and Turkey’s Role


This article attempts to understand the outcomes of the crackdown on the Arab revolts and the lessons learned thereof. There is no doubt that the...

Editor's Note Spring 2021

Editor's Note | Spring 2021

Editor's Note

At a time when anti-Islam activities are resurging and the Muslim voices are kept down, this issue of Insight Turkey aims to present and to provide...

Trump s Coup and Insurrection Biden s Challenge and Opportunity

Trump’s Coup and Insurrection: Biden’s Challenge and Opportunity


President Donald Trump’s attempted coup and insurrection’s political effects are set to continue in the future because the enabling conditions have...

What Biden May Bring to the Eastern Mediterranean Region

What Biden May Bring to the Eastern Mediterranean Region


This paper aims to forecast the route that Joe Biden, will take in his foreign policy toward the Eastern Mediterranean, by trying to analyze the...

Editor's Note Winter 2021

Editor's Note | Winter 2021

Editor's Note

While the importance of the region certainly is going to increase in the following years as more regional and global actors will be included in the...

Editor's Note Winter 2021

Editor's Note | Winter 2021

Editor's Note

While the importance of the region certainly is going to increase in the following years as more regional and global actors will be included in the...

Editor's Note Winter 2021

Editor's Note | Winter 2021

Editor's Note

While the importance of the region certainly is going to increase in the following years as more regional and global actors will be included in the...

Guest Editor's Note Summer 2020

Guest Editor's Note | Summer 2020

Editor's Note

Through a wide range of articles and commentaries, this issue aims to bring to its readers a comprehensive framework on the transformation of...

Guest Editor's Note Summer 2020

Guest Editor's Note | Summer 2020

Editor's Note

Through a wide range of articles and commentaries, this issue aims to bring to its readers a comprehensive framework on the transformation of...

Guest Editor's Note Summer 2020

Guest Editor's Note | Summer 2020

Editor's Note

Through a wide range of articles and commentaries, this issue aims to bring to its readers a comprehensive framework on the transformation of...

America s Covert War in East Africa Surveillance Rendition Assassination

America’s Covert War in East Africa: Surveillance, Rendition, Assassination

Book Reviews

America’s Covert War in East Africa discloses the hidden face of security policy violations in the dark prisons of the CIA, and how much “War on...

The War for Syria Regional and International Dimensions of the

The War for Syria: Regional and International Dimensions of the Syrian Uprising

Book Reviews

The civil war in Syria, now ongoing for 10 years, does not appear to be ending soon given the continuing conflicts among the domestic and global...

Impact of Turmoil and Gas Resources in the Eastern Mediterranean

Impact of Turmoil and Gas Resources in the Eastern Mediterranean on Jordanian Energy Security and Foreign Policy


The Mediterranean region has witnessed a lot of turbulence in the last decade. On the one hand, the Arab uprising changed the shape of the regional...

The Future of Al-Aqsa Mosque in the Light of Trump

The Future of Al-Aqsa Mosque in the Light of Trump’s Deal of the Century


U.S. President Donald Trump declared his long-awaited and debated Middle East ‘peace plan,’ the so-called ‘deal of the century,’ in January 2020,...

Between a Rock and a Hard Place How to Make

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: How to Make Sense of Turkey’s S-400 Choice?*


With the wrap-up of the S-400 deal with Russia in December 2017, critics argue that Turkey is caught between a rock and a hard place due to the...

Between a Rock and a Hard Place How to Make

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: How to Make Sense of Turkey’s S-400 Choice?*


With the wrap-up of the S-400 deal with Russia in December 2017, critics argue that Turkey is caught between a rock and a hard place due to the...

Transformation of the Turkish Defense Industry The Story and Rationale

Transformation of the Turkish Defense Industry: The Story and Rationale of the Great Rise


Tracing the evolution of the Turkish defense industry through five major periods of development, this article draws attention to crucial turning...

The Logic Beyond Lausanne A Geopolitical Perspective on the Congruence

The Logic Beyond Lausanne: A Geopolitical Perspective on the Congruence between Turkey’s New Hard Power and its Strategic Reorientation


Turkey’s new expeditionary capability, resting on enhanced naval capacity and new forward bases, is the logical result of Turkey’s post-Cold War...

The Logic Beyond Lausanne A Geopolitical Perspective on the Congruence

The Logic Beyond Lausanne: A Geopolitical Perspective on the Congruence between Turkey’s New Hard Power and its Strategic Reorientation


Turkey’s new expeditionary capability, resting on enhanced naval capacity and new forward bases, is the logical result of Turkey’s post-Cold War...

Turkey s Military and Defense Policies

Turkey’s Military and Defense Policies


In the post-9/11 era and now in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the meaning of security and the means of ensuring it have radically changed. As...

Social Media and Fake News in the Post-Truth Era The

Social Media and Fake News in the Post-Truth Era: The Manipulation of Politics in the Election Process*


This article focuses on how virtual social networks affect socio-political life. The main theme of the article is how social networks such as...

Social Media and Fake News in the Post-Truth Era The

Social Media and Fake News in the Post-Truth Era: The Manipulation of Politics in the Election Process*


This article focuses on how virtual social networks affect socio-political life. The main theme of the article is how social networks such as...

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